Труды КНЦ вып.21 (ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ вып. 4/2021(12))

22. Saltan N. V. Shlapak E. P., Gontar' O. B., Svyatkovskaya E. A. Ekologicheskaya ocenka sostoyaniya gorodskih pochv v zone vliyaniya gorno-metallurgicheskih kombinatov (na primere g. Monchegorsk i pgt. Nikel' Murmanskoj oblasti) [Ecological assessment of the state of urban soils in the zone of influence of mining and metallurgical plants (for example, the city of Monchegorsk and the village of Nickel, Murmansk region)]. Botanicheskie issledovaniya Sibiri i Kazahstana [Botanical studies of Siberia and Kazakhstan], 2016, no. 22, pp. 100-103. (In Russ.). 23. SaltanN. V., Sviatkovskaya E. A. Assessment of soil pollution with heavy metals in urban areas of the Kola Arctic. Springer Geography. Green Technologies and Infrastructure to Enhance Urban Ecosystem Services. Proceedings of the Smart and Sustainable Cities Conference, 2020, pp. 12-17. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-16091-3_3. 24. SaltanN. V., Shlapak E. P., Zhirov V. K., Svyatkovskaya E. A., Gontar' O. B., Trostenyuk N. N. Izuchenie plastichnosti fotosinteticheskogo apparata list'ev dendrointroducentov v usloviyah urbanosredy Kol'skoj Arktiki [Study of the plasticity of the photosynthetic apparatus of dendrointroducers leaves in the urban environment of the Kola Arctic]. Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo centra RAN [Bulletin of the Samara Scientific Center of RAS], 2017, vol. 19, no. 2-3, pp. 545-549. (In Russ.). 25. SaltanN. V., Svyatkovskaya E. A., TrostenyukN. N. Ekologo-biologicheskie osobennosti Tilia cordata Vill. V urbanizirovannoj srede Kol'skogo Severa (na primere g. Murmansk) [Ecological and biological features of Tilia cordata Vill. in the urbanized environment ofthe KolaNorth (for example, the city ofMurmansk)]. Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo centra RAN [News of the Samara Scientific Center of RAS], 2019, vol. 21, no. 2(2), pp. 180-184. DOI: 10.24411/1990-5378-2019-00032. (In Russ.). 26. Saltan N. V., Gontar' O. B., Svyatkovskaya E. A., Shlapak E. P. Ocenka nakopleniya tyazhelyh metallov drevesnymi introducentami v razlichnyh usloviyah urbanosredy Kol'skogo Severa [Assessment of the accumulation of heavy metals by woody introduced species in various conditions of the urban environment of the Kola North]. Rossijskijzhurnalprikladnoj ekologii [Russian Journal of Applied Ecology], 2015, no. 3, pp. 36-41. (In Russ.). 27. Saltan N. V., Svyatkovskaya E. A., Shlapak E. P., Trostenyuk N. N, Gontar' O. B. Izmenenie fotosinteticheskoj aktivnosti drevesnyh rastenij v usloviyah ugol'nogo terminala [Change in the photosynthetic activity of woody plants in the conditions of the coal terminal]. Prikladnaya i teoreticheskaya ekologiya [Applied and theoretical ecology], 2019, no. 2, pp. 68-74. (In Russ.). 28.Ivanova L. A., Svyatkovskaya E. A., Trostenyuk N. N. Severnoe cvetovodstvo . [Northern floriculture]. Apatity, 2003, 193 p. (In Russ.). 29.Ivanova L. A., Kochmareva Z. S. Osobennosti ustrojstva zimnih sadov v usloviyah Krajnego Severa [Features of the device of winter gardens in the Far North] Biologicheski aktivnye soedineniya prirodnogo proiskhozhdeniya: fitoterapiya, farmacevticheskij marketing, farmacevticheskaya tekhnologiya, andfarmakologiya, botanika [Biologically active compounds of natural origin: herbal medicine, pharmaceutical marketing, pharmaceutical technology, pharmacology, botany]. Belgorod, 2008, pp. 147-151. (In Russ.). 30.Ivanova L. A., Kotel'nikov V. A. Perspektivy gidroponnogo vyrashchivaniya rastenij v usloviyah Murmanskoj oblasti [Perspectives for hydroponic plant cultivation in the Murmansk region]. Apatity, 2006, 106 p. (In Russ.). 31. Ivanova L. A. Razvitie cvetovodstva na Krajnem Severe [Floriculture development in the Far North]. Aktual'nye problemy sohraneniya bioraznoobraziya v ekstremal'nyh usloviyah severnogo klimata [Actual Problems of Biodiversity Conservation in the extreme conditions of the northern climate]. Apatity, 2008, pp. 31-34. (In Russ.). 70