Труды КНЦ вып.21 (ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ вып. 4/2021(12))

11.Andreev G. N., Golovkin B. N. Novye dekorativnye mnogoletniki dlya Murmanskoj oblasti [New decorative perennials for the Murmansk region]. Dekorativnye rasteniya dlya Krajnego Severa SSSR [Ornamental plants for the Far North of the USSR]. Moscow, Leningrad, 1962, pp. 79-85. (In Russ.). 12.Golovkin B. N. O nekotoryh trudnostyah sozdaniya assortimenta ozelenitel'nyh rastenij dlya Krajnego Severa [On some of the difficulties of creating an assortment of landscaping plants for the Far North]. Introdukciya rastenij na Polyarnyj Sever [Plant introduction to the Polar North]. Leningrad, 1967, pp. 115-121. (In Russ.). 13. Golovkin B. N. Pereselenie travyanistyh mnogoletnikov naPolyarnyj Sever [Resettlement of herbaceous perennials to the Polar North]. Leningrad, 1973, 266 p. (In Russ.). 14. Svyatkovskaya E. A., Gontar' O. B., TrostenyukN. N. Tam, na severe, v tumane... [There, in the North, in the fog ...]. Cvetovodstvo [Floriculture], 2012, no. 2, pp. 22-24. (In Russ.). 15. Trostenyuk N. N., Svyatkovskaya E. A., Gontar' O. B., Nosatenko O. Yu. Introdukciya i vvedenie v kul'turu novyh perspektivnyh vidov travyanistyh rastenij Na Kol'skom Severe [Introduction and introduction into the culture of new promising species of herbaceous plants in the Kola North]. Introdukciya, sohranenie i ispol'zovanie biologicheskogo raznoobraziya mirovoj Flory [Introduction, conservation and use of biological diversity of the world's flora]. Minsk, 2012, pp. 310-313. (In Russ.). 16. Kozupeeva T. A. Komnatnye rasteniya dlya Krajnego Severa [Houseplants for the Far North]. Dekorativnye rasteniya dlyaKrajnego Severa SSSR [Ornamental plants for the Far North ofthe USSR]. Moscow, Leningrad, 1962, pp. 60-74. (In Russ.). 17. Kozupeeva T. A., Leshtaeva A. A. Tropicheskie i subtropicheskie rasteniya naPolyarnom Severe [Tropical and subtropical plants in the Polar North]. Leningrad, 1979, 148 p. 18.Ivanova L. A., Viracheva L. L. Katalog tropicheskih i subtropicheskih rastenij Polyarno-al'pijskogo botanicheskogo sada [Catalog of tropical and subtropical plants of the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden]. Apatity, 2020, 95 p. (In Russ.). 19. Kremeneckaya I. P., Ivanova L. A., Gorbacheva T. T., Alekseeva S. A., Drogobuzhskaya S. V., Lashchuk V. V., Tereshchenko S. V. Opyt sotrudnichestva institutov KNC RAN pri razrabotke sposobov snizheniya tekhnogennoj nagruzki na prirodno-antropogennye landshafty Murmanskoj oblasti [The experience of cooperation between the institutes ofthe KSC RAS in the development ofways to reduce the technogenic load on the natural and anthropogenic landscapes of the Murmansk region]. Trudy XIV Fersmanovskoj nauchnoj sessii GI KNC RAN (3-4 aprelya 2017 g.) [Proceedings of the XIV Fersmanov Scientific Session of the State Institute of the KSC RAS (Apatity, April 3-4, 2017)]. Apatity, 2017, pp. 402-404. (In Russ.). 20. Shlapak E. P., SaltanN. V., SvyatkovskayaE. A., Gontar' O. B., ZhirovV. K. Ustojchivost' dekorativno-cvetushchih kustarnikov v usloviyah urbanizirovannoj sredy Kol'skogo Zapolyar'ya [Sustainability of ornamental flowering shrubs in the urbanized environment of the Kola Arctic]. Materialy mezhdunar. nauch. konf “Cvetovodstvo: istoriya, teoriya, pmktika” [Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Floriculture: history, theory, practice”]. Minsk, 2016, pp. 349-352. (In Russ.). 21.Saltan N. V., Shlapak E. P., Svyatkovskaya E. A. Vozdejstvie urbanosredy na morfometricheskie parametry Syringa josicaea Jacq. Fil. V usloviyah Kol'skogo Severa [Influence of the urban environment on the morphometric parameters of Syringa josicaea Jacq. fil. in the Kola North]. Aktual'nye problemy razvitiya lesnogo kompleksa [Actual Problems of the Development of the Forestry Complex]. Vologda, 2019, pp. 104-108. (In Russ.). 69