Труды КНЦ вып.21 (ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ вып. 4/2021(12))

t r a n s a c t io n s HUMANITARIAN of the Kola Science Centre series 21 CONTENTS Pages Razumova I. A., "Creating a joint life”: life path of the family Samorukova A. G. of geologists............................................................ 7 Shabalina O. V., Personal fund of hydropower engineer Kazakova K. S. S. V. Grigoriev of the Museum-archive of the BCH KSC RAS.......................................... 28 Petrovskiy M. N. N. V. Kudryavtsev and geological researches of the Russian Lapland by the Murmansk expedition in 1880............................................... 37 Ivanova L. A. The history of development of the decorative floral growing and gardening laboratory of the N. A. Аvrorin Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute of KSC RAS.............................. 53 Ilina K. A. "Nobody can be ... a professor without a doctorate”: discussions about the doctoral dissertation of Andrey Ugyansky............................................................... 73 Zharova E. Yu. Administrators despite their wish: the professors of botany and zoology of Russian universities and creation of laboratories in the 1860-70s.......................... 81 Kalinina E. A. Problems of physical culture teaching and sports development at the Karelian Pedagogical Institute in the 1930s...................... 94 Shakhnovitch M. M. Boulder pits of the White Sea Region.................. 104 Davydova A.S. Reproduction of the sacred landscape of Teriberka in the context of tourism development in the Murmansk region........................................ 126 Suleymanova O. A. The Saami webcommunities in the eyes of moderators (on the example of "VKontakte” social network)...................................................... 141 5