Труды КНЦ вып. 9(Океанология) вып.3/2021(12)

Oleynik A.A., Composition and distribution of microplankton in the Chovgan O.V. Barents Sea in connection with the thermohaline structure 105 of the pelagial..................................................................... Pastukhov I.A. Hydrochemical studies on the transect "Kola meridian” using the 518O isotope tracer............................................... 124 Rumiantseva Z.Yu., Distribution of shell gastropods in the open parts Nekhaev I.O. of the Barents Sea: a preliminary analysis.......................... 135 Smolkova O.V. Production characteristics of settlements bivalve Mya arenaria Linne, 1758 of the Barents S e a ..................... 141 Chaus S.A. Spatial distribution of Icelus bicornis (Reinhardt, 1840) and Icelus spatula Gilbert &Burke, 1912 in the russian Arctic s e a s ......................................................................... 150 Yakovlev A.P. Development of an experimental installation for gray seal magnetoreception research................................................ 157 6