Труды КНЦ вып. 9(Океанология) вып.3/2021(12)

TRANSACTIONS of the Kola Science Centre OCEANOLOGY series 9 CONTENTS Page Berdnik A.F. Dynamics of the formation of a differentiation track conditioned reflex to sound stimuli of a certain duration in the gray seal Halichoerus grypus Fabricius, 1791 by the methods of operant conditioning............................... 7 Bondarev O.V. Size composition and production characteristics of atlantic cod and pollock juveniles of the Zelenetskaya Bay (Eastern Murman) in 2018................................................................ 13 Bulavina A.S. Modelling of the Ob river runoff under climat change........... 19 Valuyskaya D.A., Radionuclides in marine and terrestrial ecosystems Ilyin G.V. of the North European region.............................................. 29 Vashchenko A.V. Autumn bacterioplankton of the open waters and coastal part of the Barents S e a ....................................................... 36 Venger M.P. Virio- and bacterioplankton of the Barents Sea in the autumn..................................................................... 45 Gurba A.N. Winter bird fauna of the Kola Bay in 2020-2021 .................. 54 Evseeva O.Yu. Bryozoa of the Laptev and East Siberian seas: modern research............................................................................. 59 Zakharova L.V., Polyphenol and antioxidant activity of focus algae extracts Obluchinskaya E.D. from Faksafloi Bay (Irminger Sea) and Zavalishin Bay (Barents Sea)..................................................................... 68 Maksimovskaya T.M., Hydrological studies in the north-eastern part Ilyin G.V. of the Barents Sea in 2019 and 2020 .................................. 75 Malavenda S.V. Algae of the Veresovaja Bay of the Kola Bay (Barents Sea)..................................................................... 81 Moskvin K.K. Polychaete genus Pholoe (Polychaeta: Pholoidae) in the north-east region of the Barents S e a ......................... 88 Noskovich A.E. Distribution and biology of the bivalve Macoma calcarea (Gmelin, 1791) in the Grenfjorden (Svalbard)..................... 97 5