Труды КНЦ вып. 20 (Гуманитарные исследования) вып. 1/2021(12)

TRANSACTIONS HUMANITARIAN of the Kola Science Centre series 20 CONTENTS Раgе Razumova I. A. The life chronicle of a geologist as a historical and Samorukova A. G. socio-anthropological source.................................... 5 Zmeyeva O. V. A. E. Fersman on the Kola Peninsula: Khibiny prospects.................................................................... 25 Dubrovskaya E. Yu. Everyday life of the railway construction in the North of Russia: building of the Murmansk highway and changes in the revolutionary 1917.................... 33 Shakhnovich M. M. Archaeological study of the Varzuga River.............. 48 Kozhevnikova Yu. N. “Skazki about confession”: on the question of the confessional practice of the monks of the Olonets uezd in the Peter the Great era................................ 73 Pustovojt I. S., S. S. Uvarov and his unrealized draft of the charter Zhukovskaya T. N. of St. Petersburg University (1819).......................... 81 Zinovieva A. P., Correspondence P.A. Pletnev and J.K. Grot as a Zhukovskaya T. N. source on the history of universities and university links in the first half of the XIX century.................... 103 Kalinina E. A. Problems of development of the Russian spiritual education system in 1839-1866............................... 123 Likhachev V. A. New findings of petroglyphes at Kanozero in Eloviy 3 panel......................................................................... 132 Ad memoriam Suleymanova O. A. In memory of Konstantin Kuzmich Loginov (1952-2020)............................................................... 155 Scientific Life Bodrova O. A. All-Russian scientific readings “The world of folklore images: in memory of Neonila Artemovna Krinichnaya” ................................................................ 162 4