Труды КНЦ вып. 7 (Океанология) вып. 4/2020 (11).
бактерий способны к сорбции и деструкции нефтепродуктов, что обусловливает их значимую роль в биоремедиации прибрежных акваторий. Ключевые слова: водоросли-макрофиты Баренцева моря, адаптация, регуляция роста, репродукция, видовое разнообразие, роль в биоремедиации от нефтепродуктов. G. M Voskoboinikov, V.N. Makarov, S.V. Malavenda, D.V. Pugovkin, I.V. Ryzhik, M.P. Klindukh, D.O. Salakhov Murmansk Marine Biology Institute RAS, Murmansk, Russia ADAPTATION, REGULATION OF GROWTH AND REPRODUCTION AND RATIONAL USE OF ALGAE-MACROPHYTES OF THE BARENTS SEA Abstract The results of algological researches of the Murmansk Marine Biological Institute for the period from 2015 till 2019 are presented with the following achievements. Analysis of the expeditionary samples revealed 79 species of algae macrophyte, rarely found at the Murman coast, among them 10 species were Chlorophyta, 33 - Phaeophyceae, 36 - Rhodophyta. A significant increase of the occurrence (presence) of Ulva lactuca L. at the Murmansk coast of the Barents Sea in 2009 2019 was noted, due to positive climatic anomalies caused by an increase of the influx of the Atlantic waters. It has been shown for the first time that the various morphological forms of the brown alga Fucus distichus lived on the littoral of the Murmansk coast of the Barents Sea are genetically homogeneous. The morphology of embryogenesis, early ontogenesis of F. distichus is described. It was determined that hydrostatic pressure (from 4 atm) negatively affects the development of spores of Alaria esculenta and Palmaria palmata , and can determine the lower boundary of algae growth. It was shown that a change in the activity of enzymes of the antioxidant system P. palmata : (catalase and superoxide dismutase) depending on the temperature of the environment) is one of the mechanisms of adaptation of algae to growth in the tidal zone and seasonal temperature fluctuations. There were revealed the negative effect of the red algae P. palmata on the growth of F. distichus, F. serratus and the positive effect of Fucus on the growth of P. palmata . A change in the seasonal concentration of 4 B vitamins was determined (riboflavin, pantothenic acid, nicotinic acid and pyridoxine) of P. palmata . Isolated vitamins take part in spore formation and can act as antioxidants. An electron microscopic analysis of the “ young ” multicellular sporophytes of Saccharina latissima revealed the presence in cells of a developed photosynthetic reticulum, and a high partial mass of mitochondria, energy structures that apparently provide an intensive process of cell division at this stage of ontogenesis. The participation of florotannins in the regeneration of thallus of Fucus algae was demonstrated. The data on the quantitative and qualitative composition of cultivated and uncultivated epiphytic bacteria of Fucus algae from clean and oil polluted areas of coastal waters of the Barents Sea have been obtained. For the first time, the evidence base presents 150
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