Труды КНЦ вып. 11 (ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ) вып. 8/2020 (11)

E.V. Balbukova The problem statement of an information system creation for evaluating and forecasting the states of the power boiler............................. 110 A.V. Vicentiy The technology of extraction and visualization V.V. Dikovitsky of spatial data obtained by texts analysis........... 115 M.G. Shishaev A.A. Galyaev AUUV path planning in threat environment....... 119 E.Ya. Rubinovich M.A. Gorelov Digital platforms and modeling............................ 123 F.I. Ereshko S.V. Dubovsky Rate of a gain of gross national product as regress from internal and external factors.......... 135 B.A. Kulik Application of n-tuple algebra for modeling and A.Ya. Fridman analysis of uncertainties in knowledge............... 140 A.V. Masloboev The role of situational centers in regional V.A. Putilov security management under digital economy.... 144 A.G. Oleynik Structure of integrated conceptual spaces in A.Ya. Fridman interdisciplinary projects...................................... 150 A.V. Smirnov Decentralized action planning in robot coalition N.N. Teslya using smart contracts.......................................... 155 A.Ya. Fridman Opportunities for managing netcentric systems B.A. Kulik based on symbolic formalisms............................ 161 D.S. Chereshkin Intellectual risk analysis methods....................... 165 G.V. Royzenson V.B. Britkov M.G. Shishaev Concept of weak-supervision approach use in P.A. Lomov multi-subject-domain information systems development......................................................... 171 CONFERENCE SHORT REPORTS: B.S. Darkhovsky Model-free classification of multivariate time- Y.A. Dubnov series based on epsilon-complexity theory........ 176 A.Y. Popkov I.I. Kurochkin Umbrella distributed computing project E- S.M. Dursunov governance........................................................... 178 A.V. Nazin Search for a saddle point of a convex-concave stochastic game by the adaptive method of mirror descent....................................................... 182 7