Труды КНЦ вып. 11 (ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ) вып. 8/2020 (11)

UDC 551.46 ISSN 2307-5252 8/2020 (11) Kola Science Centre A. S. Karpov PhD (Engineering) - Executive Secretary Editorial Board of Information Technologies Series: V. A. Putilov, Dr.Sc., Prof. (Editor-in-Chief), A. G. Oleynik, Dr.Sc. (Eng.) (Vice Editor-in-Chief), V. А. Магіеу, Dr.Sc. (Eng.), V. A. Masloboyev, Dr.Sc. (Eng.) 14, Fersman str., Apatity, Murmansk region, 184209, Russia Tel. (81555) 7-53-50; 79-5-95, Fax: (81555) 76425 E-mail: ksc@ksc.ru. www.ksc.ru, naukaprint.ru © Institute for Informatics and Mathematical Modeling - Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre "Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences", 2020 © Kola Science Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2020 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES series 11 Editorial Council: G. G. Matishov, Acad. of RAS, A. I. Nikolaev, Cor. Member of RAS, F. D. Larichkin, Dr. Sc. (Economics), V. A. Putilov, Dr. Sc. (Engineering), E. D. Tereshchenko, Dr. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Editor-in-Chief: S. V. Krivovichev, Corr. Member of the RAS, Prof. Deputy Editor-in-Chief: V. K. Zhirov, Cor. Member of RAS