Труды КНЦ вып. 11 (ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ) вып. 8/2020 (11)

INTRODUCTION Articles reflecting the results of research in the development of a theoretical basis, the creation of information technologies and software are presented in the eleventh issue of the "Information Technologies" series of Proceedings of the Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The presented results are focused on the solution support of the managing problems in natural-industrial and socio­ economic systems. The authors pay special attention to taking into account specific factors affecting the functioning and development of control objects that are localized in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. These include, in particular, the feasibility of using network-centric solutions and an interdisciplinary approach to solving development problems. An important role is played by the creation of an information basis, convenient for perception and analysis, on the basis of which it is possible to make informed decisions. The Strategy of the Russian Arctic development provides for the improvement of the transport infrastructure. An effective means for solutions finding in this area are tools for simulation and geoinformation technologies. Traditionally, the issue contains articles devoted to the development of information technologies to support the mining industri complex. This industry occupies key positions in the economy of the Murmansk region. The complexity of control objects and the variability of their functioning conditions predetermine the need for the development of new approaches that allow to quickly reconfigure the used models, operate with both quantitative and qualitative information. This issue also includes works that were announced at the XIII All-Russian Conference "Methodological Problems of Macrosystem Management". Since 2004, the conference, organized by the Institute for Systems Analysis, has been held regularly every two years in Apatity on the basis of the Institute for Informatics and Mathematical Modeling of the Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The topics of the conference includes a wide range of issues of both the development of the system approach methodology and system analysis, and the application of theoretical developments to solving specific problems of macrosystem management. In 2020, due to the epidemiological situation, the conference was postponed. Some of the materials are presented in expanded form, and some in the form of short annotation messages. *** The “Information Technologies” series is addressed to specialists in the field of modeling, as well as the development, creation and practical use of systems and technologies for information support of decision-making in various areas of management and production, to lecturers and students of relevant specialties. 10