Труды Кольского научного ценра РАН. № 1 (11), вып.18. 2020 г.

t r a n s a c t io n s H U M A N IT A R I A N of the Kola Science Centre series 18 CONTENTS Page Kuznetsova L. A., Educational and Enlightenment component of Sami ethnic Razumova I. A. online communities...................................................................... 5 Dubrovskaya E. Yu. Social and economical space of the Murmansk railway construction: railway builders and the population of the adjoin territories during the World War 1............................................... 24 Loginov К. K. Pomeranian carbases (Karelian, Pomeranian and Summer ^ coasts).......................................................................................... Elizarkov N. A. Vyg old believers, traditional shipping and shipbuilding of the White Sea-Onega basin................................................... 55 Yamaeva E. E. Pazyryk culture of Mountain Altai: on the problem of the origin of the deer cult and the existence of taiga reindeer husbandry (interpretation based on oral history and cave paintings)..................................................................... 76 Likhachev V. A. New findings of clusters of petroglyphes on Canozero (period 2017-2019)..................................................................... 85 Pustovojt I. S., Organization of university space and everyday life Zhukovskaya T. N. of its inhabitants: the activities of S. S. Uvarov regarding the St. Petersburg University and its predecessors in 1811-1821................................................................................ 109 Ashikhmin A. V. German ethno-confessional group in the professorship corporation of St. Petersburg University in the first third of the XIX century........................................................................ 126 Shekh A. V. Reflection of the events of August 1991 in the Murmansk region............................................................................................ 140 Tertyshnaya C. A. Problems of Ethnographic and Local History Museums in the views of Researchers....................................................... 149 To the Year of Memory and Glory Samorukova A. G. “In that blocade years”: memories of T. A. Kozupeeva............ 162 Busyreva E. V. Remembers of the descendants of the Russian Germans about the years of War................................................................ 173 Postgraduate Notebooks Sushko E. O. Khibiny and Imandra during Russian Civil war and allied intervention: pages of history..................................................... 186 Strelnikov V. V. The prewar years in the Murmansk region on the example of Kirovsk..................................................................................... 195 Scientific Life Suleymanova O. A. About the First educational seminar on scenario forecasting “The future ofthe Sami people underthe global changes”...... 205 4