Труды Кольского научного ценра РАН. № 1 (11), вып.18. 2020 г.

ш o f ^dfam cea 1 / 2020 ( 11 ) Publishedsince 2010 0 + transactions UDC 316.7 (985) ,SSN 2307-5252 ц ^ S c j e n c e С в П І Г Ѳ Editor-in-Chief: S. V. Krivovichev, Corr. Member of the RAS, Prof. Deputy Editor-in-Chief: V. К. Zhirov, Cor. Member of RAS HUMANITARIAN STUDIES Series 18 Editorial Council: G. G. Matishov, Acad, of RAS, A. I. Nikolaev, Cor. Member of RAS, F. D. Larichkin, Dr. Sc. (Economics), V. A. Putilov, Dr. Sc. (Engineering), E. D. Tereshchenko, Dr. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), A. S. Karpov PhD (Engineering) - Executive Secretary Editorial Council of ’’Humanitarian studies” Series: Prof. I. A. Razumova (Editor-in-Chief), Prof. I. Ju. Vinokurova, Prof. N. V. Drannikova, PhD (Philosophy) N. N. Izmodenova, Prof. V. P. Petrov, PhD (History) E.A. Pivneva, Prof. T. P. Skufina, Prof. Ju. L. Shabaev, PhD (History) О. V. Shabalina, PhD (History) K.S. Kazakova Prof. I. A. Razumova (Executive Editor) DOI: 10.37614/2307-5252.2020.1.18 14, Fersman str.,Apatity, Murmansk region, 184209, Russia Tel.: (81555) 79380. Fax: (81555) 76425 E-mail: ksc@ksc.ru. www.ksc.ru, naukaprint.ru © Barents Center of Humanities KSC RAS, 2020 © Federal Research Centre “Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, 2020