Труды КНЦ вып.9 (ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ) вып. 9/2019(10)

Makedonov R. A. Declarative approach to procurement planning by Zuenko A. A. a small enterprise....................................................... 126 Lomov P. A. Application of graph data bases for data analysis........................................................................ 137 Shishaev M. G. Concept of a national data management system: VicentiyA. V. modern implementation context................................ 146 Kuprikov N. M. Shchur A. L. Digitalization in state and municipal governance: Fedorov A. M. world experience, problems and prospects for Datyev I. O. using online social networks...................................... 158 Karzhavin V. K. Mathematical modeling of geochemical systems and perspective schemes for processing minerals....................................................................... 172 Nifantov V. M. Diagnostics, assessment and forecasting of technical condition of technological equipment by using fuzzy expert system in centralized maintenance and repair systems............................. 187 6