Труды КНЦ вып.9(ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ вып. 7/2018(9))
Kazakova K. S., About the I International Scientific and Practical Davydova A. S. Conference “Attraction of the North: language, literature, society” (Petrozavodsk, 15-17 February 2018)........................................................................... 120 Davydova A. S., VI International Scientific and Practical Conference Suleymanova О. А. “Polar Readings - 2018: Technologies and Technics in the History of Arctic Development” ...... 124 Zmeyeva O. V. International Scientific Conference “Private and Public in the Everyday Life of the Population of Russia: History and Modernity”................................. 126 Postgraduate Notebooks Likhachev V. A. Rock Carvings of Kanozero and Nomination to the UNESCO World Heritage “Petroglyphs of Onega Lake and the White Sea” .......................................... 130 Mulin K. V. Staff Policy in the Period of the Kola Base of the USSR Academy of Sciences Recovery (1944-1949)................................................................ 139 6
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