Труды КНЦ вып.9 (ХИМИЯ И МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ вып. 6/2018(9))

Nikolaev V. G., Theoretical calculation of the temperature Sergiyanskiy E. V., dependence of the length of the absorbing Palivoda A. A. layer of atoms in a graphite atomizer.......... 57 Sokolov A. Yu., Extraction of iron (III) from hydrochloric Kasikov A. G. acid solutions by 2-oktanone........................ 60 Solodkaya P. A., Photo-catalytic properties of Co-modified Belikov M. L. titanium dioxide using the example of various organic dyes: aniline, ferroin, methylene blue............................................. 66 Sorokin D. V., Study of calciothermic reduction Orlov V. M., of zirconium oxide........................................ 71 Kryzhanov M. V. Talalaikin A. A. Obtaining and research of properties of varistor ceramics containing 90 wt.% ZnO 76 Shoshina S. I., FIBAN fibers for preconcentration Drogobuzhskaya S. V. and purification of natural waters................ 80 Shuvalova A. M., Photoelectric fields in lithium niobate single Yanichev A. A., crystals of different composition................. 85 Gabain A. A. 6