Труды КНЦ вып.9 (ХИМИЯ И МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ вып. 6/2018(9))

Contents Page Oryshchenko A. S., Application of mineral components Shekin S. I. in the manufacture of agglomerated fluxes 7 Basarova E. A., Determination of rare and rare-earth Novikov A. I., elements in baddeleite concentrate Drogobuzhskaya S. V. by mass-spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma............................................ 11 Bobreva L. A. Complex defects in the structure of LiNbO3:Gd(0.25):Mg (0.75 wt.%) and LiNbO3:Y(0.24):Mg:(0.63 wt.%) crystals and their manifestation in infrared absorption spectra within the area of valence vibrations of hydrogen bonds..... 20 Vdovichenko D. A., Obtaining catalytic compositions Gosteva A. N., on the basis of copper and chrome oxides, Kuz’mich L. F. deposited on the Ьас surface..................... 25 Vinogradov V. Yu. Solid-phase synthesis of Gd 2 Zr 2 O 7 using mechanical activation................................... 29 Evstropova P. E. Synthesis of composite titanium hidroxide and its sorption properties with respect to heavy metal cations.................................. 31 Mudruk N. V., Receiving of rare-earth elements Kobylets U. Yu. concentrate during perovskite concentrate decomposition by nitric acid......................... 34 Kulaeva E. V. Study of phase balances in the system of Na2SO4-Al2(SO4)3-MnSO4-H2O at 25 °C........ 41 Slukovskaya M. V., Remediation of man-made disrupted areas Kremenetskaya I. P., using serpentine-containing mining wastes 45 Mosendz I. A., Drogobuzhskaya S. V., Ivanova L. A. Samburov G. O., Improvement of technology for production Kiselev Yu. G. of titanium compounds from the enriched sphenite ore................................................... 51 5