Труды КНЦ вып.9 (ХИМИЯ И МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ вып. 6/2018(9))

6/2018 (9) УДК 54 ISSN 2307-5252 ,/'//// //<у л / У / / / / / / / , tronsocnons Kola Science Centre DOI: 10.25702/KSC.2307-5252.2018.9.1 .PRIL Editor-in-Chief — S. V. Krivovichev, Editorial Council: Corr. Member of the RAS, Prof. G. G. Matishov, Acad. of the RAS, N. N.Melnikov, Acad. of the RAS, Deputy Editors-in-Chief: V. K. Zhirov, Cor. Member of the RAS, V. A. Masloboev, Dr. Sc. (Engineering) A. N. Nikolaev, Cor. Member of the RAS, F. D. Larichkin, Dr. Sc. (Economics), V. P. Petrov, Dr. Sc. (Geology and Mineralogy), V. A. Putilov, Dr. Sc. (Engineering), E. D. Tereshchenko, Dr. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), A. N. Vinogradov, PhD (Geology and Mineralogy) — Executive Secretary CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS application Scientific and Practical Approaches in Chemistry and Technology Proceedings of the XII Interregional Scientific and Technical Conference of Young Scientists, Specialists and University Students, Apatity, April 20, 2018 Editorial board: S. A. Kuznetsov, Dr. Sc. (Editor-in-Chief), P. B. Gromov, PhD (Deputy Editor-in-Chief), S. M. Masloboeva, PhD (Secretary), T. N. Vasileva, PhD (Secretary) Editors: A. I. Nikolaev, Corresponding Member of the RAS, Dr. Sc. (Engineering), D. P. Domonov, PhD (Chemistry) Published with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. 16-33-10082 14, Fersman str., Apatity, Murmansk Region, 184209, Russia Tel. (81555) 79380. Fax: (81555) 76425 E-mail: admin@admksc.apatity.ru, http://www.kolasc.net.ru © «Tananaev Institute ofChemistry - Subdivision ofthe Federal Research Centre “Kola Science Centre ofthe Russian Academy of Sciences”;Science Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences», 2018 © Federal Research Centre “Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences”,2018