Труды КНЦ вып.9 (ГЕЛИОГЕОФИЗИКА вып. 5/2018(9))

A.A. Namgaladze, Modeling of the ionosphere and S.A. Parfenov, thermosphere for march 2013 in a semi- M.A. Knyazeva, empirical and fully self-consistent version of O.V. Zolotov the global model UAM....................................... 146 0.1. Akhmetov, The lithospheric conductivity profile influence 1.V. Mingalev, on electromagnetic SLF and ELF signals O.V. Mingalev, propagation in the high latitude Earth - Z.V. Suvorova ionosphere waveguide...................................... 157 0.V. Mingalev, Numerical solution of boundary problems for M.N. Melnik the equations of Poisson by fast Fourier transform using parallel calculations.......... 165 K.G. Orlov, The CUDA technology as applied to thermal 1.V. Mingalev, and solar radiation transfer in the Earth’s E.A. Fedotova atmosphere....................................................... 183 Е.А. Fedotova, Reference calculations of solar radiation I.V. Mingalev, transfer. Influence of clouds on heating.......... 192 £G. Orlov Yu.N. Kulikov Modeling the chemical composition of the Martian atmosphere. Preliminary results of comparing the height profile of atomic oxygen with the observational data by the SPICAM spectrometer..................................................... 202 8