Труды КНЦ вып.9 (ГЕЛИОГЕОФИЗИКА вып. 5/2018(9))
E.A. Maurchev, E.A. Mikhalko, A.V. Germanenko, Yu.V. Balabin The experimental methods for validating the results of modeling the cosmic rays interaction with the Earth atmosphere............ 76 E.A. Maurchev, Yu.V. Balabin Estimation of the effect of protons of solar cosmic rays on the ionization rate in the lower earth atmosphere during the GLE no 61 event.................................................................. 82 E.A. Kasatkina, O.I. Shumilov Modeling of the infrasonic signal propagation in the high-latitude atmosphere from the Vitimsky fireball................................................. 87 RADIOPHYSICS METHODS OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENTS INVESTIGATION O.M. Lebed, Yu.V. Fedorenko, A.S. Nikitenko, N.G. Kleimenova Model of auroral hiss propagation from source region to the ground................... 97 S. A. Chernouss, V.V. Alpatov, P. A. Budnikov, M.V. Filatov Comparison of the position of the auroral oval and the space-time distribution of the TEC fluctuation index according to data of the ionosphere radio tomography stations network.............................................................. 108 0.1. Akhmetov, 1.V. Mingalev, O.V. Mingalev, Z.V. Suvorova, S.M. Chernyakov, V.B. Belakhovsky D region influence of high latitude ionosphere on the spread of electromagnetic signals of frequency 82 and 820 Hz during a solar flash 15.03.2013........................................................ 117 NUMERICAL METHODS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLIGIES IN GEOPHSYSICS B.V. Kozelov Fractal approach to description of structure of the auroral luminosity....................................... 127 А.А. Namgaladze, Yu.A. Shapovalova, M.A. Knyazeva A study of the geomagnetic poles displacement influence on the Earth's thermosphere and ionosphere: statement of problem............................................................ 137 7
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