Труды КНЦ вып.9 (ГЕЛИОГЕОФИЗИКА вып. 5/2018(9))
по сравнению со свечением полосы 2PG системы и скоростями ионообразования, что связано со значительным ростом скоростей гашения при молекулярных столкновениях по сравнению с вероятностями излучательных переходов (1). Благодарности. Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РНФ (проект 18 77-10018). Литература 1. Reeves G.D., McAdams K.L., Friedel R.H.W., O'Brien T.P. Acceleration and loss of relativistic electrons during geomagnetic storms // Geophys. Res. Lett. 2003. Vol. 30. Is. 10. pp. 36-1. 2. Belakhovsky V.B., Pilipenko V.A., Samsonov S.N. Acceleration o f the electrons to the relativistic energies at the outer radiation belt during magnetic storms and without it // Problems of Geocosmos. P. 192-198. 2016. 3. Lorentzen K.R., Mazur J.E., Looper M.D., Fennell J.F., Blake J.B. Multisatellite observations o f MeV ion injections during storms // Journal o f Geophys. Res. 2002. Vol. 107. A9. PP. SMP 7-1. 4. Millan, R. M., R. P. Lin, D. M. Smith, K. R. Lorentzen, M. P. McCarthy. X-ray observations o f MeV electron precipitation with a balloon-borne germanium spectrometer // Geophys. Res. Lett. 2002. V. 29 (24). P. 2194. 5. Artamonov A.A., Mishev A.L., Usoskin I.G., Model CRAC: EPII for atmospheric ionization due to precipitating electrons: Yield function and applications // J. Geophys. Res. 2016. v. 121. P. 1736-1743. 6. Artamonov A.A., Mishev A.L., Usoskin I.G., Atmospheric ionization induced by precipitating electrons: Comparison o f CRAC: EPII model with a parametrization model // J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys. 2016. v. 149. P. 161-166. 7. Artamonov A., Mironova I., Kovaltsov G., Mishev A., Plotnikov E., Konstantinova N. Calculation o f atmospheric ionization induced by electrons with non-vertical precipitation: Updated model CRAC-EPII // Adv. Space Res. 2017. v. 59. P. 2295 2300. 8. Кириллов А.С., Ягодкина О.И., Иванов В.Е., Воробьев В.Г., Механизмы возбуждения 1PG системы N 2 в полярных сияниях // Геомагнетизм и Аэрономия. 1987. т. 27. С. 419-427. 9. Sharp W.E., Rees M.H., Stewart A.I., Coordinated rocket and satellite measurements o f an auroral event. 2. The rocket observations and analysis // J. Geophys. Res. 1979. v. 84. P. 1977-1985. 10. Kirillov A.S. Electronically excited molecular nitrogen and molecular oxygen in the high-latitude upper atmosphere // Ann. Geophys. 2008. v. 26. P. 1159-1169. 11. Kirillov A.S. Application o f Landau-Zener and Rosen-Zener approximations to calculate rates o f electron energy transfer processes // Adv. Space Res. 2004. v. 33. P. 993-997. 12. Kirillov A.S. Intermolecular electron energy transfer processes in the quenching of N2(C3nu,v=0 -4) by collisions with N 2 molecules // Chem. Phys. Lett. (accepted in press). 13. Kirillov A.S. Electronic kinetics o f molecular nitrogen and molecular oxygen in high-latitude lower thermosphere and mesosphere // Ann. Geophys. 2010. v. 28. P. 181-192. 67
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