Труды КНЦ вып.9 (ЭНЕРГЕТИКА вып. 3/2018(9))

EFFICIENCY AND ENERGY CONSERVATION Efimov B.V., Efficiency of energy saving measures in the Kuznetsov N.M., budget sphere of the murmansk region Pobedonostseva V.V.......................................................................... 76 Kolobov V. V., An overview of methods and devices for Barannik M. B. injected voltage phasor control in distributed flexible AC transmission systems........................................................ 86 Kolobov V. V., Analysis of inductor filter of high-power Barannik M. B. high-voltage single-phase inverter using different pulse-width modulation techniques.................................................... 106 Romanov V. S., Statistical analysis of technological Goldshtein V. G., violations in operation of submersible Vasiljeva N. S. electric motors of oil production.................. 114 RENEWABLE ENERGY Minin V. A., Wind peak speeds at western part of Rozhkova A. A. Russian Arctic zone..................................... 122 Konovalova O. E. The state support of renewable energy in the retail market and isolated areas............ 132 Bezhan A. V. The improvement of heat supply systems economic efficiency by means of wind- driven power plants in the regions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation....... 140 Minin V. A., Zoning of the regimes of the frequency of Nikiforova G. V. wind speeds in the regions of the European North of Russia............................................. 147 Rozhkova A. A. The wind farm near Liinakhamari's settlement on the coast of the Barents se a .................... 157 6