Труды КНЦ вып.9 (ХИМИЯ И МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ вып. 1/2018(9) Часть 2)
Lokshin E. P. Tareeva О. А. Elizarova I. R Lokshin E. P. Tareeva О. А. Elizarova I. R Lokshin E. P. Tareeva О. А. Elizarova I. R Lokshin E. P. Tareeva О. А. Elizarova I. R Molchanov V. P. Medkov M. A. Dostovalov V. A. Molchanova N. N Permyakova N. A. Likhnikeevich E. G. Otrubyannikov F. I Saharunyan S. A. Arustamyan A. G. Agamyan E. S. Nazaryan E. M. Saharunyan A. S Smirnov A. A. Ikkonen P. V. Koznov A. V. Sokolov V. D Khokhulya M. S. Gerasimova L. G. Nikolaev A. I Тsukerman V. A Shchelokova E. A. Kopkova E. K. Gromov P. B Separation of rare-earth elements and thorium by sorption conversion of rare-earth phosphate concentrate......................................................... 159 A novel technique for fluorine separation from rare-earth raw materials 165 On rare elements losses during acidic treatment of eudialyte concentrated product................................................................................... 170 Processing of apatite concentrate by sorption conversion....................... 175 The foundations of extraction of valuable components (precious and rare earth metals, high purity graphite and nanodiamonds) of high- carbon rocks of the methods of hydrometallurgical and plasma chemistry...................................................................................................... 180 Technological features of pyrochlore-monazite-goethite ores and choice of processing technology........................................................................... 184 Investigation of serpentinite complex processing..................................... 187 Radiological assessment of the processing products of rare metal ore (Zashikhinsk ore deposit)..................................................................... 191 New technological solutions for preparing and processing perovskite.... 196 Creation and implementation of innovation technlogies for enterprises of the Arctic: challenges and potentialities................................................ 200 Production of titanium dioxide in sulphuric acid decomposition of mechanically activated ilmenite concentrate......................................... 203 SESSION 2. METALLURGICAL AND HYDROMETALLURGICAL PROCESSES IN PRODUCTION OF ADVANCED MATERIALS Areshina N. S., Kasikov A. G. Akinshin D. V., Paramonova N. D., Rossokhina L. A., Vartanyan M. A., Yarovaya O. V. Afonin A. A., Nechaev A. V., Sibilev A. S., Smirnov A. V. Sorption of noble metals and ^alkogenes from leaching solutions of the sulphide nickel concentrate roasting dus t............................................. 208 Rheological behaviour of alumina concentrated water dispersions.............. 212 Data base and the REE and yttrium extraction mathematical model in HCl — NaCl — H 2 O — 2-ethylhexyl phosphonic acid mono-2-ethylhexyl ester system...................................................................................................... 215
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