Труды КНЦ вып.9 (ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ вып. 11/2018(9))

Shabalina O. V. International scientific conference “Miller readings - 2018: continuity and traditions in preserving and researching the documentary academic heritage” in St. Petersburg................................................................ 132 Ivanova M. V. XXVII international coastal conference «Arctic shores: shore-up to sustainability» in Murmansk.... 135 Ad Memoriam Dubrovskaya E. Yu. Sergey Mikhaylovich Titov (1958-2015) — researcher of the military history of the Russian North.............................................................................. 138 Postgraduate Notebooks Bertosh A. A. Material historical and cultiral heritage in the development of tourism industry of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (on the example of the Murmansk region): general statement of the problem............................................................................ 145 Zaytsev О. A. «The lappish parishes» in the church-parish system of the Kola North in the 19th - the begining of the 20th centuries................................................................. 154 6