Труды КНЦ вып.9 (ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ вып. 11/2018(9))

TRANSACTIONS HUMANITARIAN STUDIES Kola Science Centre Series 15 CONTENTS Pages Kuznetsova L. A., The role of the eparchy of the Murmansk region in Razumova I. A. the interaction of religious and lights education...... 7 Davydova A. S. Sacral and the profane elements in the space of arctic towns.................................................................... 24 Bodrova O. A. “Pomor brand” in the cultural and mass activities of the Murmansk region. Concerning the social and cultural potential and practice of regional branding 32 Suleymanova O. A. “The Holiday of the North and traditional Day of the reindeer”: to the problem of studying cultural-mass activity as the forms of actualization of ethnocultural traditions of the aborigenic population of the Murmansk region.......................................................... 42 Tokarev A. D., New materials on history of scientific research on the Petrov V. P. Kola Peninsula in 1931 (the report of the meeting of the chiefs of the field groups, august 26, 1931)............................................................................... 53 Samorukova A. G., Soviet experience of developing academic claster Petrov V. P. above the Polar North (Kola Branch of USSR Academy of Sciences)................................................. 62 Shabalina O. V. Gorbatsky's personal fund of the Museum-Archive Materials of G. V. of the BCH KSC RAS as sources on the history of the arctic exploration.................................................... 72 Dubrovskaya E. Yu. Everyday life of Russian servicemen in Finland during the World War 1................................................. 83 Petrashova D. A., Peculiarities of psychological and sociological Pozharskaya V. V., testing during cytogenetic studies of children and Khoreva E. V., adolescents in the Polar region................................... 99 Kolomeichuk S. N., Mikhailov R. E. Solovevskaia N. L. History of psychosomatics development................... 110 Anniversaries. Memorable dates Petrov V. P. Ye. K. Kozlov - a personality of his epoque, a scientist, a geologist and an organizer of science in the Kola North.......................................................... 121 Scientific Life 5