Труды КНЦ вып.9 (ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ вып. 10/2018(9))

A.G. Oleynik Preliminary results of research on the project «Development of the model, methods of integration and use of interdisciplinary knowledge and data for management support of the Russian Arctic complex development»....... 130 S.Yu. Yakovlev Development features of the russian federation arctic zone (on the materials of the OMR 2018 conference and the Arctic 2018 competition).... 144 I.O. Datyev The collective identity model for the local M.G. Shishaev communities study.................................................. 151 A.M. Fedorov A. O. Orlov Analysis of design decisions for underground Y. G. Smirnov complexes of small nuclear power plants in V.V. Birukov Arctic......................................................................... 161 A.S. Shemyakin Algorithm for visualization of the distribution of Iu.V. Fedotova geodynamic risk zones......................................... 170 6