Труды КНЦ вып.8 (ГЕЛИОФИЗИКА вып. 7/2017(8))

RADIOPHYSICS METHODS OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENTS INVESTIGATION O.M. Lebed, S.V. Pilgaev, A.S. Nikitenko, A.V. Larchenko, Yu.V. Fedorenko Estimation of altitude of the source in the ionosphere created by the EISCAT/heating facility using phase measurements by the network of high-latitude stations in quiet and disturbed conditions........................................ 67 S.V. Pil’gaev, A.V. Larchenko, O.M. Lebed’, M.V. Filatov, A.S. Nikitenko, Yu. V. Fedorenko Electromagnetic acquisition systems calibration device............................... 75 V.B. Belakhovsky, Y. Jin, W. Miloch A.S. Nikitenko, Yu.V. Fedorenko, O.M. Lebed’ V. S. Polezhayev, V. I. Milkin The comparison of the influence of different types of ionosphere disturbances on scintillations of GPS signals at high latitudes. The estimation of the spatial structure and statistical properties of the natural ELF/VLF emissions according to the ground registration at high latitudes.......................... 81 86 Isotropic circular polarization in exclusive designs............................................................... 95 NUMERICAL METHODS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLIGIES IN GEOPHSYSICS Z.V. Suvorova, I.V. Mingalev, O.l. Ahmetov, O.V. Mingalev The explicit conservative splitting scheme for Maxwell's equations.......................................... 103 Z.V. Suvorova, I.V. Mingalev, O.V. Mingalev, O.l Ahmetov Testing the explicit conservative splitting scheme for Maxwell's equations............. 116 E.A. Fedotova, I.V. Mingalev, K.G. Orlov A set of parameterizations of molecular absorption in the Earth's atmosphere in the IR range............................................................. 125 8