Труды КНЦ вып.8 (ГЕЛИОФИЗИКА вып. 7/2017(8))
TRANSACTIONS of the Kola Science Centre HELIOGEOPHYSICS Series 3 CONTENTS Page PHYSICS OF THE SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL CONNECTIONS E.A. Maurchev The RUSCOSMICS software in the tasks of the cosmic rays transport through the Earth atmosphere..................................................... 10 A.V. Germanenko, Connection between variations of gamma- Yu.V. Balabin, radiation and electric fields in the ground E.A. Mikhalko, layer of the atmosphere.................................... 17 A.A. Toropov V.A. Pilipenko On a possible acceleration mechanisms of V.B. Belakhovsly, electrons up to the relativistic energies in the S.N. Samsonov Earth magnetosphere....................................... 24 T.A. Popova Cold plasma density in the region of generation of the ion-cyclotron instability during magnetospheric compression by the solar wind pressure pulse................................ 31 M.V. Filatov, Experience of testing of the NORUSCA S.A. Chernouss aurora oval model............................................. 38 A.V. Larchenko, Parameterization of discrete chorus elements A.G. Demekhov., using methods of mathematical morphology... 47 B.V. Kozelov V.A. Pilipenko, The simultaneous ULF waves in geomagnetic V.B. Belakhovsky, field, TEC of the ionosphere, aurora intensity S.N. Samsonov and cosmic noise absorption............................. 55 V.V. Pozharskaja, Cytogenetic disturbances frequency in D.A. Petrashova lymphocytes of the children living in Murmansk and Moscow regions..................... 61 7
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