Труды КНЦ вып.8 (ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ вып. 3/2017(8))
TRANSACTIONS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES of the Kola Science Centre Series 8 CONTENTS Page In troduc tion ............................................................... 7 V.A. Putilov Modeling o f regional security control A.V. Masloboev p ro ce sse s .................................................................. 9 V.V. Bystrov M.G. Shishaev Conceptual basis for assesment o f societal S.Yu. Yakovlev security as a factor o f sustainable development o f the re g io n ..................................... 28 D.N. Khaliullina Problems o f information support in solving tasks of regional security m anagem en t............. 38 A.S. Shemyakin Problems and technical-organizational aspects o f regional safety passport d eve lopm en t............................................................. 44 S.Yu. Yakovlev The problem o f uncertainty accounting at regional safety m anagem en t................................ 54 V.V. Bystrov Fundamentals o f information technology of M.G. Shishaev automated synthesis o f randomized complex models o f m ig ra tio n ............................... 62 D.N. Khaliullina Development o f prototype of multi-model V.V. Bystrov complex for modeling processes of the S.N. Malygina eurasian continent m ig ra tio n ................................ 69 A.V. Vicentiy Conceptual model o f regional maritime M.G. Shishaev activities as a basis fo r information support A.A. Ershova systems fo r marine spatial p la n n in g .................... 77 G.G. Gogoberidze D.N. Khaliullina Project activities in the field o f development of S.N. Malygina innovative potential o f single-industry towns in V.V. Bystrov the arctic zone o f the russian fe d e ra tio n ........... 89 5
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