Труды КНЦ вып.38 (ГЕЛИОФИЗИКА вып. 4/2016(38))

Kotova D. S., Klimenko M. V., Klimenko V. V., Zakharov V. E. Kshevetskii S. P., Kurdyaeva Y. A. Fedorov A. V., Asming V. E., Hannibal A. E. Tsikal A. A. Modeling of the radio path characteristics at high latitudes during geomagnetic disturbances on September 26-29, 2011....... 154 The numerical study of impact of acoustic-gravity waves from the pressure source on the Earth's surface on the thermosphere temperature....................................................... 161 Variations of Svalbard glaciers destruction rate by local seismic stations data.................. 167 Modeling of heating processes graphite atomizer in atomic absorption spectrophotometry using Ansys Fluent software............................................................ 174 10