Труды Кольского научного ценра РАН. Океанология, 2016.
TRANSACTIONS of the Kola Science Centre OCEANOLOGY Series 3 CONTENTS Page Strelkova (Anisimova) N.A. Benthos research on the transect “Kola Section”............ 7 Bryazgin V.F. Complex hydrobiological survey of benthic fauna of the Barents Sea in 1968-1972 years (organization, realization, results).................................... 29 Lyubin P.A. Comparative analysis of the selectivity of the washing methods of quantitative benthos samples used in the studies on the transect “Kola Section”................... 43 Lyubina O.S., Modern quantitative distribution of zoobenthos Strelkova (Anisimova) N.A., along on the transect “Kola Section”................................ 64 Lubin P.A., Frolova E.A., Dikaeva D.R., Zimina O.L., Akhmetchina O.Yu., Manushin I.E., Nekhaev I.O., Frolov A.A., Zakharov D.V., Garbul E.A., Vyaznikova V.S. Lyubin P.A., Lyubina O.S., Strelkova (Anisimova) N.A., Karsakov A.L., Manushin I.E., Zimina O.L., Frolova E.A. Standardization of quantitative historical benthic data from transect “Kola Section” (Barents Sea) and it’s analysis taking into account the selectivity of the material collection and processing techniques... 91 Lyubin P.A., Strelkova (Anisimova) N.A., Manushin I.E., Zimina O.L., Lyubina O.S., Jorgensen L.L., Zakharov D.V. Megabenthos on the transect “Kola Section”.. 103 Dikaeva D.R., Specific composition, quantitative distribution Frolova E.A., and dynamics of polychaeta communities Vyaznikova V.S. on the transect “Kola Section”......................... Frolov A.A., Spatial and temporal structure of bivalves settlements Manushin I.E. along the transect “Kola Section”.................................. 143 166 5
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