Труды КНЦ вып.5 (ХИМИЯ И МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ вып. 5/2015(31))

A.G.Mirochnik Design and control of photo- and mechanostimulated processes in lanthanide and p-element complexes and polyfunctional materials............. 421 Orlov V.M., Ammolysis of nano-porous tantalum powders.......................................................... 422 Kuznetsov V.Ya. Orlov V.M., Synthesis of calcium and magnesium tungstates by sintering............................. 426 Miroshnichenko M.N., Makarova T.I. Orlov V.M., Changes in the surface and porosity of magnesium-reduced tantalum Prokhorova T.Yu., and niobium powders during heat treatment............................................................. 430 Knyazeva A.I. Palatnikov M.N., Preparation and properties of lithium niobate crystals grown from melts Biryukova I.V., of congruent composition doped with boron.............................................................. 434 Makarova O.V., Efremov V.V., Kravchenko O.E., Kalinnikov V.T Palatnikov M.N. Efremov I.N. Sidorov N.V. Makarova O.V. Exploring the properties of gamma-radiated lithium niobate crystals of different chemical compositions.............................................................. 439 Kalinnikov V.T Palatnikov M.N. Masloboeva S.M. Biryukova I.V. Arutyunyan, L.G. Kravchenko O.E Technological approaches to obtaining of homogeneously gadolinium doped crystals of lithium niobate................................................................................... 443 Kalinnikov V.T Palatnikov M.N. Shcherbina O.B. Efremov V.V. Sidorov N.V. Salak A.N Microstructure and elastic properties of LixNa1-xTayNb1-yO3 and LixNa1-xNbO3 ceramic solid solutions obtained at high pressure............................................................................................................................. . 448 Rebrov E.V. Development of novel core-shell composite magnetic materials for radiofrequency heating........................................................................ 453 Sedneva T.A., Belikov M.L., Lokshin E.P., Beljaevskij A.T. Phase transitions and texture of TiO2-based nano-composites modified with Ni and Cu in sodic alkali and photocatalytically active in the visible light 455 Sedneva T.A., Developing and investigating of nano-sized composite photocatalysts Belikov M.L., in a broad spectral band, based on cobalt-modified titanium d io x id e .. Lokshin E.P. 459 Sidorov N.V., Influence of secondary structure on optical properties of ferroelectric lithium Palatnikov M.N., niobate crystals with low photorefraction effect........................................................ 464 Kalinnikov V.T Skachkov V.M., Bogdanova E.A., Sabirzyanov N.A. Study of mechanical characteristics of composite materials based on hydroxyapatite............................................................................................. 468 Steblevskaya N.I., Medkov M.A. Functional materials and coatings based on the rare-earth................................. 471 23