Труды КНЦ вып.5 (ХИМИЯ И МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ вып. 5/2015(31))
Nikolaev A.Yu., Electrochemical behavior of scandium and aluminum at the formation Suzdaltsev A.V., and dissolution of Al-Sc alloys and master alloys in the Kf-AlF3 melt................. 262 Zaikov Yu.P. Popova A.V., Iinfluence of Ba2+ cations on the kinetics of charge transfer for the redox Kuznetsov S.A. couple Nb(V)/Nb(IV) in chloride-fluoride melts............................................................ 267 Rozdyalovskaya T.A., Obtaining fine dispersed oxides of metals of a second group of the periodic Chekryshkin Yu.S. system in molten chlorides................................................................................................ 270 Sverdlov Yu.V., Theoretical aspects of aluminium borides production via high-temperature Suzdaltsev A.V., electrochemical synthesis from molten sa lts............................................................... 274 Zaikov Yu.P. Stulov Yu.V., Influence of Ba2+ cations on the kinetics of the Cr(III)/Cr(II) redox couple Kuznetsov S.A. in alkali halide m elts.......................................................................................................... 277 Stulov Yu.V., Electrochemical behavior and kinetics of the intervalence charge transfer Korenko M., for the Sm(III)/Sm(II) redox couple in LiF-CaF2 melt............................................... 279 Kubikova B., Kuznetsov S.A. Suzdaltsev A.V., Synthesis of aluminum-scandium alloys and master alloys Nikolaev A.Yu., in the oxide-fluoride m elts.................................................................................................. 281 Zaikov Yu.P., Pankratov A.A., Molchanova N.G. Suzdaltsev A.V., Formation of the alloys and metals in the CaCl2-based m elts............................. 285 Zaikov Yu.P. Tlimakhova M.A., Electrochemichal synthesis of ceramic materials based on boron Kushkhov K.B., and silicon............................................................................................................................... 290 Gucheva D.Z. Khalimullina Yu.R., Electrolytic refining of lead from secondary raw metarials in chloride m e lts ........... 294 Arkhipov P.A., Pershin P.S., Zaikov Yu.P. Chernov Ya.B., Electrolytic thermal diffusion boronizing....................................................................... 300 Filatov E.S., Karimov K.R., Chebykin V.V. SESSION 4. RESEARCH INTO SYNTHESIS, PROPERTIES AND APPLICATION OF FUNCTIONAL MICRO- AND NANO-STRUCTURED MATERIALS Aleshina L.A., X-ray diffraction studies of powdered samples of lithium niobate doping z in c ...... 304 Loginov D.V., Scherbanich Ja.I. Voskresenskii V.M., Modeling of the energy equilibrium clusters of a crystal of lithium niobate..... 308 Starodub O.R., Sidorov N.V., Palatnikov M.N. Gromov O.G., Development of technology of obtaining of high-voltage ZnO-varistor S av el’ev Yu.A., ceram ics with reduced leakage current preparation............................................... 312 Tikhomirova Ye.L., Nesterov D.P., Belyaevsky A.T., Lokshin E.P., Danilin A.N., Kolobov V.V. Kalinnikov V.T. 20
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