Труды КНЦ вып.5 (ХИМИЯ И МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ вып. 5/2015(31))
Maslova M.V., Experience of radioactive waste utilization at the fsue «Atomflot».................. 164 Safonova I.V., Gerasimova L.G. Maslova M.V., Ion-exchange material on the basis of titanium phosphate for waste water Gerasimovа L.G., treatment............................................................................................................................... 168 Rusanova D., Antzutkin O., Sandstrom S. Mudruk N.V., The regularities of extraction and separation of tantalum, niobium Mayorov V.G., and antimony from fluoride solutions............................................................................ 171 Ilyin E.G., Tyuremnov A.V., Nikolaev A.I. Nechaev A.V., Production of tantalum powder by magnesium-thermal method....................... 176 Kopyrin A.A. I, Sibilev A.S., Smirnov A.V. Orlov V.M., Processing of lithium tantalate single crystals production w astes Kiselyov E.N., with obtaining tantalum capacitor powders................................................................ 178 Kryzhanov M.V. Orlov V.M., Magnesium-reduced tantalum and niobium powders with great specific Kryzhanov M.V surface a rea s........................................................................................................................ 182 Kalinnikov V.T. Pasechnik L.A., Concentration and purification of rare metals during the recycling Shirokova A.G., of technogenic w a ste s....................................................................................................... 186 Yatsenko S .P ., Mediankina I.S. Petrova A.M., Recovery of rhenium(vii) and molybdenum(vi) by solvent extraction Kasikov A.G. with synergistic mixtures of tertiary am ines and aliphatic ketones from nitric acid solutions................................................................................................... 190 Radushev A.V., QUIK 59 triterpenoic acids hydrazide a s extractant Vaulina V.N., for Ni аnd Co from acidic sulphate media................................................................... 194 Kharitonova A.V., Khalezov B.D., Kataev A.V., Gavrilov A.G. Sedneva T.A., Membrane electrohydrolysis of nitric- and hydrochloric acid solutions Lokshin E.P. in cerium separation p rocess.......................................................................................... 197 Skachkov V M , Obtaining of aluminum alloys enriched rare earth m etals..................................... 202 Yatsenko S .P ., Pasechnik L A Sorokin V.A., Research of fire regularities refining of copper-nickel raw materials................ 204 Kasikov A.G., Neradovsky Y.N. Tkacheva O.Yu. Potassium cryolite melt a s a medium for aluminum alloys production............ 208 18
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