Труды КНЦ вып.28 (ЭНЕРГЕТИКА вып. 2/2015(28))

t r a n s a c t io n s ENERGY TECHNOLOGY Kola Science Centre Series 10 CONTENTS Page ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND ENERGY CONSERVATION Minin V.A. Kola energy system: state and prospects............ 7 Klyukin A ^ . Епегду audit - the basis of effective energy Kuznetsov N.M. management............................................................. 16 Tribunalov S.N. Arefeva U.A., Review on electricity consumption Veselov А ^ . , of 10/0.4 kV brached mains voltage Karpov A.S., of the Kola Sciene Centre Tokareva E.A., of the Russian Academy of Sciences..................... 24 Fastiy G.P., Yaroshevich V.V. PHYSICO-TECHNICAL PROBLEMS OF POWER ENGINEERING Efimov B.V., Survey of external impacts on electric grid Selivanov V.N. of Kola power system............................................... 34 Danilin A.N. Оptical investigation of high-voltage impulse Ivonin V.V. processes on the surface of conductors in the soil 40 Burtsev A.V. Research of electromagnetic disturbances Nevretdinov Y.M. emission in the power transformer secondary Smirnov А.А. winding........................................................................ 4 4 Fastiy G.P. Kolobov V.V. Operating experience of ULF-generator Barannik M.B. «Energy-2» for electromagnetic sounding Zhamaletdinov A.A. during the international experiment FENICS-2014 52 ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY Burtsev A.V. Registration results of lightning discharges Nevretdinov Y.M. on the Kola Peninsula in 2014................................ 65 Antropov I.M. Features of formation of lightning overvoltages Nevretdinov Y.M. on substation............................................................. 72