Труды КНЦ вып.23 (ОКЕАНОЛОГИЯ вып. 4/2014(23))

Рутилееский Г.Л. Промысловые млекопитающие полуострова Челюскин и залива Вилькицкого // Тр. НИИ полярного земледелия, животноводства и про­ мыслового хозяйства. Сер. Пром. хоз-во. 1939. Вып. 8. 48 с. Успенский С.М. Белый медведь. М.: Агропромиздат, 1989. 190 с. Цалкин В.И. К биологии белого медведя архипелага Франца-Иосифа // Бюл. МОИП. Отд. биол. 1936. Т. 14, вып. 5. С. 335-363. АСІА. Arctic Climate Impact Assessment. Cambridge, UK: University Press, 2004.831 p. ACIA. Arctic Climate Impact Assessment: scientific report. Cambridge, UK: University Press, 2005. 1042 p. A circumpolar monitoring plan for polar bears / D. Vongraven, S. Amstrup, S. At­ kinson et al. // Ursus Monograph Series. 2012. 66 p. Advanced Distance Sampling / S.T. Buckland, D.R. Anderson, K.P. Burnham et al. Oxford, UK: University Press, 2004. Amstrup S., Gardner C. Polar bear maternity denning in the Beaufort Sea // J. Wildlife Management. 1994. V. 58. P. 1-10. Chlorinated Hydrocarbon contaminants in polar bears from eastern Russia, North America, Greenland, and Svalbard: biomonitoring of Arctic pollution / R.J. Norstrom, S.E. Belikov, E.W. Bom et al. // Arch. Environ. Contain. 1998. V. 35. P. 354-367. Derocher A.E. Population ecology of polar bears at Svalbard, Norway // Popul Ecol. 2005. V. 47. P. 267-275. Derocher A.E., Wiig 0., Andersen M. Diet composition of polar bears in Sval­ bard and the western Barents Sea// Polar. Biol. 2002. V. 25. P. 448-452. Derocher A.E., Lunn N.J., Stirling I. Polar bears in a warming climate // Inte­ grative and Comparative Biology. 2004. V. 44. P. 163-176. Estimating the Barents Sea polar bear subpopulation size / J. Aars, T.A. Mar­ ques, S.T. Buckland et al. // Marine Mammal Sci. 2009. V. 25(1). P. 35-52. Fischbach A.S., Amstrup S.C., Douglas D.C. Landward and eastward shift of Alaska polar bear denning associated with recent sea ice changes // Polar Biol. 2007. V . 30. P . 1395-1405. Functional responses in polar bear habitat selection / M. Mauritzen, S.E. Beli­ kov, A.N. Boltunov et al. // OIKOS. 2003. V. 100. P. 112-124. Genetic structure of the world's polar bear populations / D. Paetkau, S.C. Am­ strup, E.W. Bom et a l./ /Molecular Ecol. 1999. V. 8. P. 1571-1584. Geographical variation of PCB congeners in polar bears ( Ursus maritimus) from Svalbard east to the Chukchi Sea / M. Andersen, E. Lie, A.E. Derocher et al. // Polar Biol. 2001. V. 24. P. 231-238. Geographical distribution of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in polar bears {Ursus maritimus) in the Norwegian and Russian Arctic / E. Lie, A. Bemhoft, F. Riget et al. // The Science of the Total Environment. 2003. V. 306. P. 159-170. Importance of fast ice and glacier fronts for female polar bears and their cubs during spring in Svalbard, Norway / C. Freitas, K.M. Kovacs, M. Andersen et al. // Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 2012. V. 447. P. 289-304. Introduction to distance sampling - Estimating abundance of biological popula­ tions / S.T. Buckland, D.R. Anderson, K.P. Bumham et al. Oxford, UK: University Press, 2001. Larsen T. Polar bear denning and cub production in Svalbard, Norway // J. Wildlife Management. 1985. V. 49(2). P. 320-326. Larsen T. Population biology of the bear ( Ursus maritimus) in the Svalbart area. Oslo: Norsk Polarinst, 1986. 55 p. Lono O. The polar bear ( Ursus maritimus Phipps) in the Svalbard area. Oslo: Norsk Polarinstitutt, 1970. 103 p. Management of polar bears in Norway, 2005-2009 / D. Vongraven, M. Ekker, 0. Wiig, J. Aars // Polar bears: proc. of the 15thworking meeting of the IUCNSSC po­ lar bear specialist group (Copenhagen, Denmark, 29 June-3 July 2009. Gland, Swit­ zerland; Cambridge, UK, 2010. P. 149-155. Mauritzen М., Derocher A.E., Wiig 0. Space use strategies of female polar bears in a dynamic sea ice habitat// Can. J. Zool. 2001. V. 79. P. 1704-1713. 287