Труды КНЦ вып.14 (ОКЕАНОЛОГИЯ вып. 1/2013(14))

В морях Лаптевых, Карском, Баренцевом, Гренландском и других собран био- океанографический материал, анализ которого изложен в совместных трудах: Biomass of large foraminifera in the St. Anna trough / S.Korsun, М.НЫ , N.Pan- teleeva, M.Gerasimova // Berichte zur Polarforschung: Modern and late quaternary depositional environment o f the St. Anna trough area, northern Kara Sea. 1999. V . 342. P . 77-93. Clay-mineral distributions in surface sediments from the Central Arctic Ocean and the Eurasian continental margin as indicator for source areas and transport path- way: A synthesis / M.Wahsner, C.Muller, R.Stein, G.Ivanov, M.Levitan, E.Shelekho- va, G.Tarasov // Boreas. 1999. V. 28. P. 215-233. Current state of zoobenthos in two estuarine bays of the Barents and Kara Seas / S.Denisenko, H.Sandler, N.Denisenko, E.Rachor // ICES J. Mar. Sci. 1999. V. 56 (Suppl.). P. 187-193. Fransz H.G., Hirche H.J., Timofeev S.F. Zooplankton around Svalbard // European week for scientific culture 1994: Polar research - still a challenge. Bremerhaven: AWI, 1994. P . 10-11. Geological sampling / H.C.Hass, D.Birgel, C.Didie, M.Forwick, N.Gussone, N.Ku- kina, N.Lensch, M.Pirrung // Berichte zur Polarforschung. 2000. V. 368. P. 40-45. Hanssen H., Timofeev S. Distribution of zooplankton and community structure // Berichte zur Polarforschung. 1994. № 149. P. 84-90. High-resolution reconstructions of Holocene warm water inflow into the Eastern Arctic Ocean / D.Birgel, J.Matthiessen, S.Daschner, C.Kierdorf, N.Kukina, U.Lang- rock, J.Vernaleken // Berichte zur Polarforschung. 2001. № 389. P. 26. Khusid T.A., Korsun S.A. Modern benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the Kara Sea // Berichte zur Polarforschung: Reports on polar research. 1996. V. 212. P. 308-315. Lithostratigraphy / R.Stein, N.Kukina, J.Matthiessen, C.Muller, N.Norgaard- Petersen, R.Usbeck // Berichte zur Polarforschung: Arctic’98: The Expedition ARK- XIV/1a of RV “Polarstern”. 1999. V. 308. P. 60-74. Lubin P., Eckert C. Macrobenthos of the Yenisei and inner Kara Sea // Berichte zur Polarforschung: Scientific cruise report of the Kara Sea expedition “SIRRO 2000” of RV “Akademik Boris Petrov” and first results. 2001. V. 393. P. 72-75. Marine geological investigations / R.Stein, S.Drachev, K.Fahl, J.Herter, H.Kas- sens, N.Kukina, J.Matthiessen, C.Muller, E.Musatov et al. // Berichte zur Polarforschung: Arctic’98: The Expedition ARK-XIV/1a of RV “Polarstern”. 1999. V. 308. P. 30-32. Marine Geology / H.C.Hass, D.Birgel, C.Didie, M.Forwick, N.Gussone, N.Ku- kina, N.Lensch, M.Pirrung // Berichte zur Polarforschung. 2000. V. 368. P. 27-29. Material fluxes from the russian rivers Ob and Yenisey / J.Carroll, V.Savinov, G.Christensen, P.Blakely, L.Pettersen, K.S 0 rensen, B.Kjelstad, H.Kohler, A.Spitszy, D.Hessen // Berichte zur Polarforschung: Interactions with climate and effects on arc- tic seas (MAREAS). 2004. V. 479. P. 103-117. Past, modern and future state of the Pechora Sea / H.A.Bauch, Yu.A.Pavlidis, E.I.Polyakova, G.G.Matishov, N.Ko? // Berichte zur Polarforschung. 2005. V. 501. P. 1-6. Pechora Sea environments: Past, present and future / H.A.Bauch, Y.A.Pavlidis, Y.I.Polyakova, G.G.Matishov, N.Koc (Eds.) // Berichte zur Polarforschung. 2005. V. 501. 247 p. Peculiarities of modern sedimentation in the north-east Barents Sea and south- west Kara Sea / G.A.Tarasov, R.Stein, M.Wahsner, D.Nurnberg, M.V.Mityaev, N.A.Ku- kina // Berichte zur Polarforschung: Reports on polar research. 1998. V. 287. P. 55-69. Rachor E., Denisenko S. Macrofauna: Quantitative assessment // Berichte zur Polarforschung. 1997. V. 255. P. 67-77.