Труды КНЦ вып.14 (ОКЕАНОЛОГИЯ вып. 1/2013(14))

Brandt A., Hilbig B. ANDEEP (Antarctic Deep-Sea Biodiversity): Colonisation his- tory and recent community patterns // Deep-Sea Res. 2004. V. 51. P. 1457-1491. Breaking the ice: large-scale distribution of mesozooplankton after a decade of Arc- tic and transpolar cruises / N.Mumm, H.Auel, H.Hanssen et al. // Polar Biol. 1998. V. 20. P . 189-197. Brey T. Antarctic benthic diversity // Nature. 1994. V. 368. P. 297. Bormann P., Fritzsche D. The Schirmacher Oasis, Queen Maud Land, East Antarc- tica and its surroundings. Gotha: Justus Perthes, 1995. V. 2. 448 p. Drygalski E. The southern ice-continent: The German South Polar Expedition abord the Gauss, 1901-1903. Bluntisham, Alburgh: Bluntisham Books and the Erskine Press, 1989. 373 p. Ecological studies of the Antarctic sea ice zone / W.E.Arntz, A.Clarke (Eds.). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2002. 277 p. Faszination Meeresforschung: Ein okologisches Lesebuch / G.Hempel, I.Hempel, S.Schiel (Eds.). Bremen: Hauschild, 2006. 462 s. First insights into the biodiversity and biogeography of the Southern Ocean deep sea / A.Brandt et al. // Nature. 2007. V. 447. P. 307-311. Fleischmann K. Zu den Kaltepolen der Erde. Bielefeld: Delius Klasing, 2005. 344 s. Gutt J., Starmans A., Dieckmann G. Impact of iceberg scouring on polar benthic habitats // Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 1996. V. 137. P. 311-316. Hagen W., Auel H. Seasonal adaptations and the role of lipids in oceanic zooplank- ton // Zoology. 2001. V. 104. P. 313-326. Hempel G. Antarctic // The fish resources of the World Ocean. West Byfleet: Fishing News (Books) Ltd, 1971. P. 161-168. Hempel G. Bremen-Bremerhaven - ein Zentrum der Meeresforschung // Jahrbuch 2001-2002 der Wittheit zu Bremen. 2002. S. 9-20. Hempel G. Antarctic marine biology - two centuries of research // Antarct. Sci. 2007. V. 19. P. 195-203. Hempel G. Der Fluss der deutschen Polarforschung // Meer und Museum. 2008 . V. 20. S. 35-47. Hempel G., Hempel I. Biological studies in Polar Oceans. Bremerhaven: NW Verlag, 2009. 352 p. HempelI., Hempel G. Biologie der Polarmeere. Jena: Fischer, 1995. 366 s. Hirche H.J., Kosobokova K.N. Distribution of Calanus finmarchicus in the Northern North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean - expatriation and potential colonisation // Deep-Sea Res. 2007. V. 54. P. 2729-2747. Hubold G. Ecology ofWeddell Sea fishes // Rep. Polar Res. 1992. V. 103. P. 1-157. Kils U. Swimming behaviour, swimming performance and energy balance of An- tarctic krill Euphausia superba // BIOMASS Sci. 1981. Ser. 3. P. 1-233. KockK.H. Antarctic fish and fisheries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.359 p. Land-ocean systems in the Siberian Arctic. Dynamics and History / H.Kassens, H.A.Bauch, I.A.Dmitrenko, H.Eicken, H.W.Hubberten, M.Melles, J.Thiede, I.A.Timokhov (Eds.). Berlin: Springer, 1999. 711 p. Lange G. Sonne, Sturm und weiBe Finsternis - die Chronik der ostdeutschen Antarktisforschung. Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1996. 296 s. Lange G. Eiskalte Entdeckungen - Forschungsreisen zwischen Nord- und Stidpol. Bielefeld: Delius Klasing, 2001. 350 s. Life strategy, ecophysiology and ecology of seaweeds in polar waters / C.Wiencke, M.N.Clayton, I.Gomez et al. // Rev. Environ. Sci. Biotechnol. 2005. V. 6. P. 141-166.