Trudy_KNC_Vyp11_Труды Кольского научного ценра РАН. Энергетика. 2012.

Veselov A.E., The analysis of technical losses of electric power in the system Yaroshevich V.V., of the electrical supply of the industrial complex Tokareva E.A., «North Nickel» (Monchegorsk)........................................... 76 Fastiy G.P. Koubarkov Y., Some features of the mathematical model construction Fomin P. for the device of adaptive switching-off of the load......... 86 Shelushenina O., Maintenance of the stand-by feed of customers from a power Dashkov V., system by activity mini-pec in an autonomous mode........... 92 Kubarkov Y. Konovalova O.E. Condition of hydropower stations in the Kola Peninsula....... 97 RENEWABLE ENERGY Minin V.A. Prospects for the implementation of renewable energy sources in fuel and energy balance of Murmansk region................... 106 7