Труды КНЦ вып.3 (ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ вып.1 3/2010(3))

The paper considers results of computational modelling for dispersions flows in an upflow of isolating medium applicable to the process of hydraulic separation of mica ores. Methods of computational hydrodynamics reveal differences in distribution of volume density and average particles velocity according to the height and cross-section of the gravitational unit model depending on their form and dimensions. The obtained data may be employed for optimizing of hydrodynamic characteristics of certain elements in a hydraulic separator. Fig. - 2, Table - 1, Ref - 5. UDC 681.5 Morozov I.N., Bogatikov V.N. Indirect Damage Assessment Based on Condition of Processing Equipment // Scientific articles of KSC RAS. Information Technologies. - Apatity, 2010. - Iss. 1. - Р. 129 - 130. The paper considers technique of damage assessment depending on equipment condition. The concept of index is introduced as a criterion of quantitative damage estimation due to incomplete information. The article analyses an example of damage estimation caused by the functioning of catalytic gases purification unit at weak nitritic acid production. Indirect estimation is stated to be possible for damage of environment, equipment, control system and other objects when there is lack of exact information on cost parameters of the damage. Fig. - 3, Table - 1, Ref. - 1. UDC Soboleva Yu.V., Bogatikov V.N., Prorokov A.Ye. Analysis of Industrial Processes Safety Based on Risk Assessment, Evaporation of Electrolitic Liquor Taken as an Example // Scientific articles of KSC RAS. Information Technologies. - Apatity, 2010. - Iss. 1. - Р. 131-136. The article presents analysis tools of industrial processes safety basing on risk assessment. The proposed measures are aimed at risk and corresponding damage minimization both in cost and thermal components of a technological process of electrolytic liquors evaporation. Table - 1, Fig. - 8, Ref. - 2. UDC 66:519.7 Kuznetsov P.V., Kirichenko A.E. Model of System Failure Involving Liveness Loss to Control Crushing Process Safety // Scientific articles of KSC RAS. Information Technologies. - Apatity, 2010.- Iss. 1. - Р. 137-140. Model of system failure is presented involving liveness loss to control safety of crushing process. Spherical drum-mill is decomposed. Faults occurring within the process are enumerated. Graphical representation of failure scenario for crushing equipment is submitted. Liveness capacity for the considered system is estimated. Table - 2, Fig. - 3, Ref. - 3. UDC 004.94 Popova L.P., Oleynik A.G. Modelling of Control System for Technological Process of Concentration Employing IDEF Methodologies // Scientific articles of KSC RAS. Information Technologies. - Apatity, 2010.- Iss. 1. - Р. 141-145. The paper describes a structural model of information support system for concentration process control. The model is implemented basing on IDEF methodologies. The developed model comprises analytical and forecasting part of management support system. Fig. - 5, Ref. - 12. 158