Труды КНЦ вып.1 (ЭНЕРГЕТИКА вып.1 1/2010(1))

& ,m m t А ш 1 е м р o f С %dmc6S “ ~ ™ t r a n s a c t i o n s ISBN 978-5-91137-128-9 K o l a S c I G H O G C e n t r e Editor - Academician V.T Kalinnikov Deputy editor in chief: Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy V P. Petrov, Dr of Sciences B.V. Efimov Editorial Council: Academicians:" G.G Matishov, NN . Melnikov. F.P Mitrofanov. Corresponding Member of RAS: V.S.Zhirov, A.I. Nikolaev. Dr.of Sciences: Yu.L. Voitekhovskiy, F D. Larichkin, V.A. Masloboev, V.A. Putilov, ED . Tereshchenko, Ph.D. A.N Vinogradov (executive secretary) ENERGY TECHNOLOGY series 1 Editorial board of Energy Technology Series: Dr. of Sciences: B.V. Efimov (executive editor, energy technology), A.A. Zhamaletdinov (electrophysics), N.V. Korovkin (theoretical electrotechnology), F.Ch Chalilov (power engineering), Ph.D.: В G. Barannik (energy technology). N.I. Gumerova (power engineering), A.N. Danilin (power engineering), V.A. Minin (renewable energy), Yu.M. Nevretdinov (power engineering), V.N. Selivanov (power engineering), A.F. Usov (electrotechnology) 14, Fersman str., Apatity, Murmansk region. 184209, Russia Tel.(81555) 75350. 79595. Fax.:(81555) 76425 E-mail: admin@admksc apatity.ru http://www.kolasc.net.ru