Тиетта. 2008, N 6.

10 Издание Геологического института КНЦ РАН и Кольского отделения РМО Gorbunov has been the driving force in making valuable geological cooperation a reality and giving substance to the exchange of ideas and information between our two countries. This tribute to a great nonagenarian is based in part on interviews and written documents, most notably those provided by Emeritus Professor Heikki Papunen, who has co-edited and co-authored many important publications with Professor Gorbunov over the years. Gorbunov already had a weighty scientific career behind him before he became involved in cross-border collaboration in the 1970s. The opportunity found him when Minister of Geology A.V. Sidorenko proposed IGCP Project No. 91 and 161. The project initially called for arranging a meeting of geologists in Moscow in 1975, followed by a field excursion in 1977 in Finland. Realizing the potential value of such cooperation, a similar - and fateful - field excursion inRussia was added for the same year. Professor Gorbunov, acting head of the Kola Science Centre, warmly greeted the party of Finnish exploration and mining professionals when they arrived in the Arctic town of Apatity. The Finnish contingent consisted of Pentti Rouhunkoski (head of exploration activities for Outokumpu Oy), Aulis Hakli (a section manager at Outokumpu Oy), Risto Sarikkola (a regional exploration office chief for Outokumpu Oy), and professor Heikki Papunen from the University of Turku. The excursion visited several economically important areas on the Kola Peninsula, including the Monchegorsk mafic-ultramafic intrusion, as well as a separate trip to the Pana and Fedorova layered intrusions to the east of Apatity. The Finnish guests found particularly memorable a nearly 100 km journey to the Pana and Fedorova mountains in military troop carriers over otherwise inaccessible terrain. Following this meeting, Gorbunov worked actively to promote the cross-border collaboration that blossomed in the early 1980s. Geological cooperation was formally incorporated into the program of the Scientific and Technical Collaborative Committee, the body overseeing cross-border cooperation between Finland and Russia. Professor Gorbunov’s Finnish counterparts in this work were Heikki Papunen and Professor Atso Vorma, a section manager at the Geological Survey of Finland. Nevertheless, Gorbunov was clearly the chief instigator of a lively cooperation that he personally oversaw throughout the 1980s. Achievements of this collaboration include the publication “Nickel-copper deposits of the Baltic Shield and Scandinavian Caledonides” (Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 333), which presented for the first time internationally recognized modern descriptions of the Pechenga and Monchegorsk nickel deposits. Gorbunov even came out of his recent retirement in 1990 to host a group of Finnish geologists on an excursion to the Yoko- Dovyren layered intrusion near Baikal Lake. The rich cross-border collaboration established by Professor Gorbunov continues to this day. At present, we have two externally funded projects ongoing between the Kola Science Centre and Finnish geological organizations. We salute Pro­ fessor Gorbunov as the father of cross-border geological-scientific collaboration between Russia and Finland and give him our best wishes on his 90thbirthday. Просматривая N 2 журнала «Geo- Foorumi» за 2008 год, я обнаружил ин­ тересное интервью “GTK’s new directions” Элиаса Экдаля - генерального директора Геологической службыФинляндии. ON THE COOPERATION IN THE EU AND DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Elias Ekdahl, Ph.D., Professor, Director General of Geological Survey of Finland, Espoo, Finland GTK has a good reputation as a partner in international projects. Cooperation in Europe is quite tight. The EU INSPIRE project, for example, seeks to make spatial data available throughout Europe. GTK has actively participated in a number of EU projects focusing mainly on environmental issues, groundwater, climate change and the Baltic Sea. Russia has also been a good partner in recent years, providing unique technical assistance and research insight. Последняя фраза означает высокую оценку вклада нашего Института, в первую очередь, Центра геохроно­ логических и изотопно-геохимических исследований, в реализацию Международного проекта приграничного сотрудничества «Стратегические минеральные ресурсы Лапландии - основа устойчивого развития Севера», вы­ полняемого в рамках программ ИНТЕРРЕГ-ТАСИС (Россия - Финляндия - Швеция) под научным руководст­ вом советника РАН акад. РАН Ф.П. Митрофанова. Подробнее о результатах проекта читайте в следующих выпусках «Тиетты». д.г.-м.н., профессор Войтеховский Ю.Л. Профессор Элиас Экдаль, генеральный директор Геологической службы Финляндии (слева) и Ристо Пиетиля, региональный директор Геологической службы Финляндии (справа). Фото Жирова Д.В.