Север и рынок. 2024, № 3.
CONTENTS THE DEVELOPMENT OF NORTHERN AND ARCTIC CITIES AND REGIONS: SOCIO-ECONOMIC ASPECTS Volkov A. D., Roslyakova N. A., Sleptsov R. S., Nikitina A. S. A method for measuring the performance of the Russian Arctic as a special economic zone: Accounting for regional specificities........................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Gubina O. V., Provorova A. A. Labor productivity in the Russian Arctic: Structural shifts, regional dynamics and sectoral tre n d s ........................... 27 Maksimov A. M., Malygina M. V. Assessing the resilience of rural communities in the Nenets Autonomous O krug ................................................................ 44 Sekushina I. A., Lebedeva M. A. Informal mechanisms of public participation in the development of small and medium-sized cities in Russia's European North: A case study of nonprofit organizations and urban internet comm unities..................... 60 Chapargina A. N. Household financial security in the Russian Arctic: M icro-level a n a ly s is .............................................................................. 77 THE ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF ARCTIC REGIONS AND TERRITORIES Krasilnikova N. A., Lukovtseva A. S., Savvin E. E. Russian Arctic regions: Macroeconom ic trends, environmental and economic re s ilie n c e ..................................... 90 Nevskaya M. A., Belyaev V. V., Pasternak S. N., Vinogradova V. V., Shagidulina D. I. Accidental oil spills in the Arctic: An assessment of potential soil dam age................................................................................ 107 THE ARCTIC MINERAL RESOURCES SECTOR AND ITS INDUSTRIES: STRATEGIC ASPECTS Kazanin A. G. Multilevel development strategies for the Arctic oil and gas se c to r................................................................................................. 123 Nevolin A. E. Strategic perspectives for the non-ferrous metals industry: Problems and challenges for domestic producers 136 Titova N. Yu. Russian oil and gas companies and their Arctic operations: The theory and practice of resilience in the decarbonization e r a .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 149 INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN THE ARCTIC: ESSENTIAL ISSUES Nikolaeva A. B. Prospects for international freight traffic along the Northern Sea Rou te ..................................................................................... 169 Serova N. A., Serova V. A. Key trends in the development of land transport infrastructure in Russia's Arctic regions during the pre pandemic p e riod .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 183
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