Север и рынок. 2024, № 3.
СОЦИАЛЬНО-ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ РАЗВИТИЯ СЕВЕРНЫХ И АРКТИЧЕСКИХ ГОРОДОВ И РЕГИОНОВ 17. Simachev Y. V., Kuzyk M. G., Fedyunina A. A., Yurevich M. A., Zaitsev A. A. . Faktory rosta proizvoditel'nosti truda na predpriyatiyakh nesyr'evykh sektorov rossiiskoi ekonomiki [Factors of labor productivity growth at enterprises of non-resource sectors of the Russian economy]. Doklady k XXI Aprel'skoi mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii po problemam razvitiya ekonomiki i obshchestva [Proceedings of the XXI April International Scientific Conference on the problems of the development of economy and society]. Moscow, Izd. dom Vysshei shkoly ekonomiki [Higher School of Economics Publishing House], 2020, 60 p. (In Russ.). 18. Cusolito, A. P., Maloney, W. F. Productivity revisited: Shifting paradigms in analysis and policy. World Bank Publications, 2018, 170 p. 19. Goldin I., Koutroumpis P., Lafond F. O., W inkler J. Why is productivity slowing down? 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