Север и рынок. 2023, № 4.

ПРОБЛЕМЫ РАЗВИТИЯ ОТРАСЛЕЙ И СЕКТОРОВ ЭКОНОМИКИ НА СЕВЕРЕ И ВАРКТИКЕ 32. Kozmenko, S., Saveliev, A., Teslya, A. Impact of global and regional factors on dynamics of industrial development of hydrocarbons in the Arctic continental shelf and on investment attractiveness of energy projects // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 302 (1), 012124. 33. Podolyanets L. A., Feldman A. L. Development of economical and geographical image of Eastern Siberia as a subject and an object of strategic investments in oil and gas complex // International journal of energy economics and policy. 2017. № 2 (7). P. 360-366. 34. Lazarev D. M. Reducing the hazardous effects of LNG using quantitative risk assessment // Asia-Pacific journal of marine science and education. 2023. Vol. 12, № 1. P. 50-61. 35. Щеголькова А. А., Евграфова Л. Е. 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