Север и рынок. 2023, № 2.

РАЗВИТИЕ ПРОМЫШЛЕННЫХ СЕКТОРОВ И РЫНКОВ ПРОДУКЦИИ В РЕГИОНАХ СЕВЕРА И АРКТИКИ 19. Yuzhakov A. A. Siberian Private Reindeer Herders and the Market. Region, 2020, Jan 1, 9 (1), pp. 53-82. 20. Habeck J. O. What it means to be a herdsman: the practice and image of reindeer husbandry among the Komi of northern Russia. LIT Verlag MQnster, 2005. 21. Gray P. A. Chukotkan reindeer husbandry in the post-socialist transition. Polar Research, 2000, Feb, 19 (1), pp. 31-37. 22. Vitebsky P., Alekseyev A. What is a reindeer? Indigenous perspectives from northeast Siberia. Polar Record, 2015, Jul, 51 (4), pp. 413-421. 23. Istomin K. V., Popov A. A., Kim H. J. Snowmobile Revolution, Market Restoration, and Ecological Sustainability of Reindeer Herding: Changing Patterns of Micro-vs. Macromobility among Komi Reindeer Herders of Bol'shezemel'skaia Tundra. Region, 2017, Jan 1, pp. 225-250. 24. Kuzmicheva M.B. 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