Север и рынок. 2023, № 1.
ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ РАЗВИТИЯ УСТОЙЧИВОГО ТУРИЗМА НА СЕВЕРЕ И В АРКТИКЕ SUSTAINABLE TOURISM OPPORTUNITIES IN THE NORTH AND THE ARCTIC Original article THE POLAR-ALPINE BOTANICAL GARDEN-INSTITUTE AS A SPECIAL PROTECTION AREA AND A PLACE WITH POTENTIAL FOR TOURISM DEVELOPMENT: PERCEPTIONS OF KIROVSK AND APATITY CITIZENS Alyona S. Davydova1, Denis A. Davydov2 1Barents Centre of the Humanities of the Kola Science Centre, Apatity, Russia 2Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute of the Kola Science Centre, Apatity, Russia 1a.davidova@ksc.ru, ORCID 0000-0002-7967-5953 2d.davydov@ksc.ru, ORCID 0000-0002-0866-4747 Abstract. Today, the demand for environmentally responsible tourism is growing noticeably. Travelers demonstrate an interest in exploring undisturbed nature that can be found in special protection areas. As part of a network of such areas, botanical gardens can become important elements in the development of sustainable tourism in regions and cities. However, this is no easy task, as it requires preserving natural ecosystems while providing comfortable conditions for tourists. One of the foundations for environmental activities is the opinion of local communities about nature conservation. As the first step towards promoting sustainable tourism on the territory of the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute of N. A. Avrorin (PABGI; Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences), the only botanical garden in Russia operating in the Arctic, a survey was conducted to investigate the opinions of local residents about this institution as a special protection area and the possibilities for tourism development. The Botanical Garden is an essential element of the historical and cultural landscape not only of the city of Kirovsk but also of the neighboring city of Apatity. The respondents generally demonstrated a high level of environmental awareness. However, questions about the PABGI's territorial boundaries and the species of plants listed in the Red Book of the Murmansk region posed challenges. The survey revealed that residents of the Kirovsko-Apatitsky district have a positive attitude towards tourism development on the PABGI's territory. They recognize that it is a protected area and that maintaining special visitation rules is crucial. The results indicate that PABGI needs to intensify its efforts in organizing educational events and interacting with the population, as respondents repeatedly noted the need to expand such activities. According to the citizens, the territory of the botanical garden is a platform where researchers, residents, nature, and culture can interact. Currently, PABGI faces difficulties in performing functions other than its primary ones of natural ecosystem conservation and research. This is largely because special regulations are required on the territory of protected areas, and there are not enough opportunities for sustainable tourism development. A consistent strategy for improving and developing tourism infrastructure needs to be developed in the future. Keywords: Murmansk region, botanical garden, sustainable tourism, protected areas, citizen perceptions Acknowledgments: this article was prepared as part of government contracts with the Barents Centre of the Humanities of the Kola Science Centre (contract No. 0226-2019-0066) and the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute of the Kola Science Centre (contract No. 1021071612832-8-1.6.11). We would like to thank the Beautiful Children in a Beautiful World charity foundation for supporting the Polar Amulets project implemented at the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute, which inspired us to conduct this study. For citation: Davydova A. S., Davydov D. A. The Polar-Alpine Botanic Garden-Institute as special protection area and a place with potential for tourism development: visions of Kirovsk and Apatity citizens. Sever i rynok: formirovanie ekonomicheskogo poryadka [The North and the Market: Forming the Economic Order], 2023, no. 1, pp. 133-149. doi:10.37614/2220-802X.1.2023.79.009 туризма в сравнении с 2020 и 2019 гг. (2020 г. — 350,0 тыс. чел. и в 2019 г. — 458,0 тыс. чел.)1. Вопросы развития туристической инфраструктуры и возможностей для создания наиболее комфортных условий для туристов являются актуальными и интересуют разных акторов. Особо охраняемые природные территории (далее ООПТ) в этом контексте становятся важными участниками многогранной туриндустрии. В частности, ботанические сады как часть СЕВЕР И РЫНОК: формирование экономического порядка. 2023. № 1. С. 133-149. Sever i rynok: formirovanie ekonomicheskogo poryadka [The North and the Market: Forming the Economic Order], 2023, no. 1, pp. 133-149. 1 Комитет по туризму Мурманской области. Статистические данные. URL: https://tourism.gov- murman.ru/documents/statisticheskie-dannye/ Давыдова А. С., Давыдов Д. А., 2023 134 Введение Мурманская область сегодня является привлекательным местом для многочисленных туристов. Все большую популярность регион приобретает для путешественников, стремящихся посетить природные порой труднодоступные локации региона и познакомиться поближе с Арктикой. Туризм является драйвером для развития территории [1] и во многом опирается на интерес к арктическим дестинациям. Туристический поток в области в 2021 г. составил 486,2 тыс. чел. Заметен рост внутреннего
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