Север и рынок. 2022, № 4.

СЕВЕР И РЫНОК: формирование экономического порядка. 2022. № 4. С. 23-39. Sever i rynok: formirovanie ekonomicheskogo poryadka [The North and the Market: Forming the Economic Order], 2022, no. 4, pp. 23-39. ИННОВАЦИИ И ПРОБЛЕМЫ УСТОЙЧИВОГО РАЗВИТИЯ СЕВЕРА И АРКТИКИ Financial componnent Client component Finances o f the region Internal business processes Training a id development Economic entities o f the region Manufacturing industry and entrepreneurship Training, development, innovation Fig. 3. Transforming the classical BSC for the region (compiled by the authors) Effective socioeconomic system of RS (Y) Effective environmental measures of RS (Y) Fig. 4. Strategic development map of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (compiled by the authors) Figure 4 is formed on the basis of an analysis of strategic documents at the regional level and the identification of explicit and implicit goals that can contribute to the achievement of sustainable development of the region. Then, based on the analysis of the literature and available regional statistics, indicators were selected for these goals, which make it possible to measure the achievement of these goals (Table 3). So this map contains a summary of the development strategy and illustrates certain goals of the strategy. Relying on the strategic development map for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), strategic goals and objectives were determined, as well as the indicators that reflect the sustainability in the region. Based on the analysis of the SD in the region, expert opinion, statistics, as well as the development strategy of the Republic6 [38-44], indicators were obtained for every component of the BSC, which are shown in Table 3. All indicators are divided into two groups: main indicator which could be used for total assessment of all component goals together and it can influence on additional indicators; and additional indicators help to assess some aspects for separate goal of this component. 6 PORA, "Polar Index. Regions. The sustainable development ranking of socioeconomic development ofthe Republic ofSakha (Yakutia) until 2032 of Russian Arctic regions", Moscow, 2018; The Law of the Republic of Sakha with a target wston until 2°5°". (Yakutia) dated December 19, 2018 2077-З N 45-VI "On the strategy © Гутман С. С., Рытова Е. В., Соуза К., Кадзаева В. В., 2022 30