Север и рынок. 2022, № 4.

СЕВЕР И РЫНОК: формирование экономического порядка. 2022. № 4. С. 23-39. Sever i rynok: formirovanie ekonomicheskogo poryadka [The North and the Market: Forming the Economic Order], 2022, no. 4, pp. 23-39. ИННОВАЦИИ И ПРОБЛЕМЫ УСТОЙЧИВОГО РАЗВИТИЯ СЕВЕРА И АРКТИКИ и предлагает основу для их интеграции с помощью классических инструментов Системы сбалансированных показателей (BSC) — стратегических карт как для региона, так и для компании. В качестве базового объекта исследования на региональном и корпоративном уровнях соответственно были выбраны Республика Саха (Якутия) и открытое акционерное общество «АЛРОСА». Построенные стратегические карты отражают декомпозицию основной стратегической цели и содержат взаимозависимый набор показателей устойчивого развития для каждого уровня, которые могут быть использованы для оценки и мониторинга результатов соответствующих стратегий. Затем предлагается новая концептуальная структура, отражающая влияние деятельности компании на устойчивое развитие региона, которая включает в себя показатели деятельности компании и региона по трем измерениям устойчивого развития — экологическому, социальному и экономическому. Были выявлены концептуальные взаимосвязи и взаимозависимости между уровнями по индикаторам. На основе концептуальной схемы взаимосвязи в дальнейшем возможно простроить эконометрические модели на основе предложенных индикаторов. Выявленные количественные оценки связей в таком случае позволят принимать стратегические управленческие решения, позволяющие максимизировать позитивный эффект реализации стратегии устойчивого развития в регионе с использованием потенциала компаний. Ключевые слова: устойчивое развитие, система сбалансированных показателей, Республика Саха (Якутия), «АЛРОСА», стратегические карты Для цитирования: Гутман С. С., Рытова Е. В., Соуза К., Кадзаева В. В. Новый подход к исследованию влияния компаний на региональное устойчивое развитие: кейс Якутии // Север и рынок: формирование экономического порядка. 2022. № 4. С. 23-39. doi:10.37614/2220-802X.4.2022.78.002 Introduction Sustainable development (SD) is currently a priority in the agendas of policymakers and researchers. The idea of SD is consistent with the global nature of society's environmental problems, namely the global warming and the loss of biodiversity, and many countries and international organizations use it to foster effective green strategies and policies for managing socioeconomic systems. However, the concept of SD goes beyond the environmental sphere and also incorporates social and economic factors, forming a multidimensional concept often named as 'three-pillar' or 'triple bottom line' [1]. Nowadays, over a hundred countries take decisions consistent with the concept of SD1[2]. Most countries have established national programs and formed authorized agencies in charge of achieving SD goals (SDGs). In order to map out an effective strategy, countries should also think over a comprehensive approach towards ensuring and maintaining SD at all levels of the economy, including regions and cities [2, 3]. In addition, it is necessary to accommodate the interests of all stakeholders (population, companies, local governments, etc.). In turn, if enterprises are not taking part or are not interested in implementing this concept, SD cannot be achieved in the region and in the country as a whole2 [3, 4]. The assessment of the results of the strategies and policies already adopted requires measurement frameworks and indicators. Due to its multidimensional character, the assessment of SD raises several methodological challenges, namely related to the choice of indicators to capture the interrelated three-pillars [5]. In this context, composite indicators, which have pros and cons, are gaining increased attention from policymakers and scholars, since they provide a unique number to describe complex phenomena and enable longitudinal analysis [5, 6]. Moreover, most of the indicators are computed at a global or national level and their translation to sub-national (territorial) levels and to micro (e. g., companies) levels is also subject to difficulties, which is reflected in a smaller number of indexes that cover these levels of analysis [7]. Furthermore, extant research tends to consider the several levels of analysis macro (global, national), meso (regional / local) and micro (company) as silos, giving little attention to their complex relationships and interdependencies [8]. This study is based on the proposed hypothesis: the activities of a company (especially a large company) have a corresponding impact on certain aspect (social, environmental and economic) of the sustainable development of the region. The main goal of the study is to prove this relationship between companies and regions using set of indicators of SD applied at different levels of socio-economic systems at a conceptual level. To do this, the literature on this issue have to be studied. We need to identify the most common SD indicators in the strategic documents of regions and companies. Conceptual relationships and interdependencies between socio-economic levels have to be identified. On the basis of the conceptual scheme of the relationship, it is possible in the future to build econometric models based on the proposed indicators. The identified quantitative assessments of the links in this case will make it possible to make strategic management decisions that will maximize the positive effect of the implementation of the SD strategy in the region using the potential of companies. The paper tackles this gap by proposing a framework to assess the SD at the crossroad of two levels of analysis — a meso level (the region) and the micro level 1 United Nations, 'The sustainable development goals report 2019," 2019. Available at: https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/report/2019/The-Sustainable- Development-Goals-Report-2019.pdf. 2 The Secretary-General of the OECD, "Good practices in the National Sustainable Development Strategies of OECD Countries good practices inthe National Sustainable Development Strategies of OECD Countries," 2006. © Гутман С. С., Рытова Е. В., Соуза К., Кадзаева В. В., 2022 24