Север и рынок. 2022, №3.

СЕВЕР И РЫНОК: формирование экономического порядка. 2022. № 3. С. 104-120. Sever i rynok: formirovanie ekonomicheskogo poryadka [The North and the Market: Forming the Economic Order], 2022, no. 3, pp. 104-120. ФИНАНСОВО-БЮДЖЕТНАЯ ПОЛИТИКА НА СЕВЕРЕ И В АРКТИКЕ РОССИИ regions are mainly socially oriented. At the same time, the Chukotka Autonomous District has the lowest level of social spending, which amounted to 34 % of all spending in 2016, 23.2 % - in 2019, and 32 % - in 2020. In 2019 the coefficient was below the Russian average in the Nenets, Yamalo-Nenets and Chukotka Autonomous Districts, the Republic of Sakha, Kamchatka kray, Magadan and Sakhalin regions, and in 2020 the situation worsened in Khabarovsk kray. The average indicator for the High North regions correlated with the Russian average, in 2019 and 2020 showed a negative trend and did not reach the level of the Russian average, which was reflected in a decrease in spending priority coefficient and on the index of management quality as well as on the aggregate integral index of the budget potential use. Increased by 2018 investment activities in the High North regions and in the country as a whole decreased that influenced negatively the index of the budget potential use. In 2019 the coefficient of investment activities decreased in half of the High North regions (Nenets Autonomous District, the Republics of Komi and Karelia, Sakhalin, Magadan, and Arkhangelsk regions, Krasnoyarsk kray). At the same time, throughout the entire analyzed period in the Yamalo-Nenets, Nenets and Khanty- Mansiysk Autonomous Districts, the Murmansk region the level of investment activities exceeds the Russian average. It can be concluded that the low level of the studied coefficients indicates retaining problems in the budget process management. Decreasing level of the integral indicator, evaluating quality of the budget process management does not contribute to growth of the aggregate integral index. Summarizing the research results, we should note that for 2016-2020 no cardinal changes in the territorial structure of the level of the budget potential use were revealed. At the same time, the aggregate integral index, characterizing the level of the budget potential use in the High North regions is decreasing in dynamics, mainly due to declining coefficients, evaluating financial security of the territories. The quality of budget process management remains at a low level in both economically developed and underdeveloped regions of the High North. Conclusion At this stage of the study various approaches to evaluation of the budget potential and the indicators applied are considered. It is determined that the available indicators do not allow full evaluation the level of the budget potential use. A methodical approach to evaluating the level of the budget potential use is proposed, based on the developed system of indicators that evaluate the financial security of the teritories and the quality of budget process management. Approbation of the developed methodology performed on the data of the High North regions, made it possible to carry out a typological grouping of territories according to the level of the budget potential use and their ranking, to track the trends determining the features of the budget potential formation and use in the High North regions, and to identify the main problems of the studied processes. Thus, regions with high levels of the index of the budget potential use are distinguished by a significant level of financial security. With a relatively high quality of management in general, some regions of this group have problems in terms of: weakening tax efforts of regional authorities to ensure of collection of the tax on profit, the payers of which are lerge export-oriented business structures; reducing the level of tax collection due to the growth of debtls to the budget; slowdown in investment activities in the High North regions. The regions where the level of the index of the budget potential use is determined as moderate experience problems in terms of management quality: declining activities in collection of the tax on profit due to reducing the tax basis; growing tax arrears; decreasing level of investment activities; limiting busget spending for social purposes. Northern regions with reduced and low levels of the index of the budget potential use (it did not exceed the Russian average) are characterized by significant financial problems: low level of financial security due to limited opportunities to increase own revenues; dependency of revenue sources coming from the federal budget; a decrease in the level of budget security. The financial problems are superimposed with managerial ones: the low level of tax efforts made by the authorities, in terms of collecting the tax on profit and expanding the tax basis; low efficiency of measures to reduce tax arrears; decreasing expenditures for fulfilling social obligations to the population; low investment activities. To solve the identified problems, that determine the directions for future research, it is necessary to develop measures and mechanisms related to strengthening the financial independency of the regions, expanding the tax basis, increasing the efficiency of tax administration, strengthening the role of "functional interactions between financial and tax authorities in the budget process" [25, p. 28], etc. A particular attention should be paid to enhancing investment activities in the northern regions - the driving force behind the economic development of the territories, the source of tax revenues and improving the living standards of citizens through the development of incentive instruments within the framework of state investment policy. The practical significance of the study is caused by the potentiality for territorial authorities to apply the proposed approach for identifying the methods of state regulation and to solve the problems of raising efficiency of the budget potential management in regions. The scientific novelty is in the elaboration of the methodology of the budget potential use and its approbation in the High North regions, in fixing topical issues within typological groups of northern regions. © Барашева Т. И., 2022 118