Север и рынок. 2022, № 2.
СЕВЕР И РЫНОК: формирование экономического порядка. 2022. № 2. С. 69-81. Sever i rynok: formirovanie ekonomicheskogo poryadka [The North and the Market: Forming the Economic Order], 2022, no. 2, pp. 69-81. СТРАТЕГИЧЕСКОЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ РЕГИОНАМИ ИАРКТИЧЕСКАЯ ПОЛИТИКА the declared development priority for the Russian Arctic - enhancing its social and economic level [34-36]. This is exactly why questions of the quality of life, adherence to environmental requirements, etc. are on the current agenda (on equal terms with purely economic matters) of politicians and management in the Russian Arctic. The second tendency — these are consistent steps taken for developing Russia's Northern margins under the pressure of factors that render reclaiming this space expedient for the state. The analysis of documents characterizing the policy of the Soviet North and the modern Arctic has clearly shown that in these Districts, the processes are determined by the state management within the policy being pursued. The policy is of crucial importance for the Arctic, with the evident fact to be stated - if the declared policy fails to rely on efficient mechanisms for its implementation, this is fraught with essential economic and social risks, consequences for security and business of the Arctic. This view does not contradict the other Arctic researchers' opinion [20, 21, 37-40]. Conclusions The methodology used in the course of this research has enabled the authors to conduct an integrated study fitting together normative and legal documents, declarations, real facts, and trends of the long-term development of the national Arctic policy on the socio-economic transformations of Russia's Polar regions summed up by quantitative indicators. The logical comparison method, supported by the continuous sampling linguistic method and the introspective one, made it possible to compare the conceptual framework and key priorities of the Arctic policy formulated in the regulatory documents of different time periods and countries. The authors have clearly demonstrated how the development policy of the Russian Arctic, based on recommendations of theory, efficient practical experience ofthe developed countries and consolidated in the regulatory and legal documents and managerial measures, leads to not only outwardly positive changes but also to clear deviations from the standard economic interactions of the key factors of regional production, and generates strong migration sentiments in the population The discussing 0f the efficiency of the Arctic policy, as a rule, relies on the analytical basis provided by the regional economy and showing the policy and management problems from theoretical standpoints paired up with the Polar regions' institutional, environmental, production and infrastructural context. However, this research has shown the uncertainty of theoretical foundations associated with the objective nature of controversies, the latter being difficult to resolve at the current stage of social interactions. The results of the authors' study enable them to point out another limitation in putting together the efficient policy for the Russian Polar regions. The analysis of pattern and interaction of the indices of GRP production, number of employees, and fixed investment for Russia's Polar regions plotted over time confirms that for configuring the efficient policy and management, they clearly lack the critical set of quantitative correlations determining specific aspects of functioning of the economy, demographic and social processes. As a result, it can be seen that the unstable situation in the Russian Arctic is observed. This is confirmed by orientation to migration detected by this research in a significant part of the Murmansk Region population - - and the most economically active population group at that, aged 18 to 39. This is to create risks for the labor market of this Polar region so early as in the nearest future. Notably, Murmansk Region is characterized by the most advanced and diversified economy among other Russian Polar regions. Bordering on the developed countries — Norway and Finland, it has ice-free ports and relatively favorable natural, climatic, and geographical characteristics. Figures 1 and 2 visualize the way how policy objectives furthering the Arctic get consolidated in regulatory and legal documents and managerial decisions which can be evaluated from both theory and practice standpoints solely as highly efficient ones — but later they result in regional processes getting clearly out of sync. Notably, in two of the four Russia's Polar regions (Murmansk Region and Chukotka Autonomous District), essential disturbances of settlement and investment processes are observed. Meanwhile, the policy and management are completely in line with the modern ideas about necessarily enhancing the District's investment attractiveness. So, as the analysis of regulatory and legal documents has shown, currently, the formation of legislation aimed at enhancing investment inflows into the Russian Arctic and configuring new development mechanisms is continued. For example, in June 2020, they approved lowering investment threshold for obtaining the Arctic zone resident's status and preferences tenfold (down to 1 million rubles), which will widen the opportunities even for smaller enterprises to get investment access to the economy of the Arctic. Considerable benefits are envisaged for developers of offshore fields and liquefied gas production. This process is considered to be an undoubtedly positive one, and this conclusion should be agreed with. However, when tailoring the policy for the Arctic regions, the investment one included, special solutions and mechanisms are necessary that demand detailed scientific support based mainly on the results quantitative estimates, and to a smaller extent — on theoretical concepts. © Скуфьина Т. П., Баранов С. В., Самарина В. П., Самарин А. В., 2022 78
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